Army Of Two.

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Eyes of soft sea green, a tight six pack body, and muscles that were bolding out all over. He moved from the door to the bar like a man on a mission. He let his uniform do all the talking. Steve Peace new what men wanted and what they liked. He dressed to kill. And in his uniform would kill anyone. He stood at the bar before a bartender came up.
"What you drinkin buddy."
"Whiskey on ice." Said Steve before turning around and leaning on the bar. His eyes scaned the crowded room. His eyes moved over the room trying to spot a unsuspecting victim. Someone to take home for a great fuck. He wanted to go all night. He hurd his drink placed behind him. Steve turned around to pick up the stiff drink. With one swig he drank it down and placed the drink back and he turned around and lend back to keep an eye on the crowd.
There he was dancing alone in the corner. Dancing to his own music. He didn't care if anyone was watching him. The music keep bumping as he slow danced by himself. The boy in the corner had fair hair and golden skin. He was dressed in a puffer vest of red, white, and blue. Steve could tell it was a tommy Hilfiger vest.
Steve moved from the bar to the dance floor. Making his was to the corner of the floor where the mystery boy stood.
"Wanna dance." Steve said loudly.
"Shore." He replied.
They began to dance to the music the bet pumped within them. The 808 drum keep the speakers radiating. As Steve started jumping with the bet the mystery boy lad a kiss upon Steve.
He kissed back and feeling heat between them. He made his way with his tongue into his mouth. They kissed like they knew each other for years not 2 seconds. He lend over and loudly whispered in the boys ear. "Wanna get out of here?" Asked Steve in a breathless voice. He pulled on the boys hand to have him follow. It didn't take much to have the boy follow.
They found there way outside, there they stood for a moment. Steve looked the boy up and down and liked what he saw even more. He pushed the boy up against the wall and kissed him again. This time he didn't have to force his tongue in to the boys mouth. The tasted each other as the lusted over each other. Steve's hands found themselves under the boys shirt to find a soft hard six pack under the thin fabric. He rubbed his hands all over them getting him hornier then he'd felt in months.
"Wanna find a place." Asked the boy.
There across from the club was a motel. A no tell motel. A place people around here went to hide there lusting habit. A room key was in Steve's hand and they made there way to the waiting room. With his hand Steve unlocked the door and they both entered in one after the other.
There they began stripping of each other's clothes. The vest was tossed to the floor. Then Shirts were the next thing pilled off. Steve found himself kissing the boys body from neck to his chest. Down to his pelvis bone where he unbuttoned the white washed jeans. The button was cold in Steve's hand the zipper was pulled down. Finly the pant were free to slide down the legs and the boy slipt out of them and Steve tossed the aside.
There hanging of his pelvis were soft silk boxers. Steve took them off to release the waiting penis. The boy lefted his legs to help shed his boxers. Steve's hot warm mouth found it's way upon the boys waiting stiff dick. The throbbing beast was tasty in his slobbering mouth. The juice of his dick leaked out within his mouth and then found it's way down his throat. After eating the manhood he rose off his knees and his soft lips found the boys waiting lip too. They kissed once before the boy was helping Steve shedding his paints belt first then the tan corduroy pants. In five seconds they found there way into the bed.
Steve placed his cock into the boys waiting ass. He moved up on him. Spreading his ass cheek apart and slid his dick within the waiting wall of the ass. He moved within it like a pro. Slowly sliding back and forth, letting parts of his dick enter and exit the whole. The boy moaned and the motion of Steve sent pleasures up the boys spine. 10 minutes past as they dance the dance of lust and pleasure. Steve knew the growing was a sign that the boy in front of him was beginning to cum. He thrusted faster for a moment then slowed for a short time before thrusting with in the boy hard and swift. "Oh, daddy faster, yes, yes." Cried out the boy as Steve slapped his floating ass. His butt checks were soft and hot like they were new and unused. He let his hard cock rub against the boy's tight asshole. The head of his dick rubbed within the hole the friction sent shivers up his spine. Shivers were Steve's favorite thing about sex. He loved how it was like chills of a soft ice cream sundae eaten to fast.
In moments the boy was taking his cock soft and hard  and placing it with in Steve's loose asshole. He slid in and began bumping against Steve's ass. His thighs connecting against these ass made a lustful sound to both of their ears. He pulled in and out before starting to ride the ass like it was a well kept stallion. Another shiver creeped up Steve's spine. He throw his head up in pleasure. Steve fished for a kiss, there there mouth meet and the boy kissed Steve hard forcing his tongue down Steve's throat. The boy loved the taste of Steve. The saltyness of him the warmth of his touch it was all or nothing. They both were on the edge of exploding. Lust creeped into them without knowing.
Steve raised up and yelled in a loud out of breath voice,"You going to be my regular Saturday night thing." The boy pushed in hard and then exploded within the bubbled ass. He waited for a moment then pulled out. They then began to kiss like it was there life line.
"What's your neme boy." Asked Steve. "Anything you want it to be." He replied then said his name Mick Abbott.
He leand down and pulled up his pants and then out came his phone, "Your number." Steven and Mick exchange number.
"I'll texted you and we can go on a date." Steve said before walking back his waiting vehicle. He pushed the unlock button and then pulled the door to open. As he looked up Mick was getting in to the passenger side door.
"We can start that date now." He said.
"Shore let's go for a bite and then round two at my place." He said as he hopped into the jeep and place the keys into the ignition. The jeep came to life with on flick of the key. In a second they were gone into the hot June night. Gone like yesterday fleeding into the past.
The end...

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