Lay Me Down

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The wind blew as we left the bar. We didn't have far to walk my apart- ment was just two blocks up. We moved up the street holding hands. We had our puffer jackets zipped up tight. But the bitter wind still had us shivering with chills. I pulled Tandy Sullivan along. We came to a stop and I fished out my door key. There I unlocked the maintenance. We walked in and I pulled him to the elevator. There we took the elevator to the third floor. We got off and randy followed behind me. I stopped and played my key into a waiting door. There I pushed it open and we entered. Just as I closed the door Randy lend over and kissed me hard on the mouth. With his force I fell into the door. The knob pushed into my back but I said nothing as I pushed back on him. We moved from the entrance to the living room. There we fell on to the sea green couch still locked in a heated kiss. His tongue found its way into my mouth. He seemed to be lost in the kiss. I moved my mouth away and kissed his neck which had a hint of cologne on it. I moved up to his ear where I nibbled it as a snack. Randy was all in he was in the realm of passion. I fell back to his neck where I kissed it and began to suck it for a long moment. I wasn't aware that I was giving him a hickey. There my hand found the zipper of his Nike puffer jacket. I took the zipper and unzipped the jacket. There I pushed up his white cotton t-shirt. Underneath awaiting me was his rock hard abs. My tongue began to lick his rock hard abs. His head fell back onto the couch as he moaned. I fell off the couch and onto my knees. My hand found the zipper and button of his Levi jeans. I undid them and slid them down. I then found his tighty whities and did the same. There exposed in front of me was his penis. A rod so hard is it through a sheet. I began to lick his balls then I sucked upon them as Randy moaned. After a short moment I took his dick into my mouth and sucked upon it. It was warm and fishy, juicy and hard. I moved up and down my hand coveting his manhood and I ate like a king. I finally moved my hands from his shaft and placed it deep within my mouth. They're Randy let out a long loud moan of ecstasy. I had taken his manhood and deep throated it. After a long moment I began to choke a little there I released his dick. My mouth found his balls again. I placed one of them in my mouth and sucked softly and gently. I could tell that he was in pleasures paradise.
Randy moved me up off his balls and brought me up to his dry lips. There he kissed me long and hard. He pulled me up to push down my joggers and them my soft white boxers. He reviled my waiting man- hood ready and waiting. He placed a hand on it then with his tongue flicker at it. The flicker sent a shock up my spine. He then barely placed the head of my penis in his mouth before sucking on it. The air that was sucked up his my penis and blew my mind. All kinds of tingles and shock waves took over me. I could hardly stand as he sucked on my dicks head. After a short moment he took in my whole dick into his mouth. He did not deep throat me but what he did to my manhood was better then deep throating.
I pulled Randy up and then over to then place my manhood into his waiting asshole. I slid in slowly as it was a tight ass. He cried out in pleasure as I pushed in. After fully entering I slowly moved in and out. I knew he felt pressure within. A moment went bye before I picked up speed. I pushed in and out as he moaned with lust. My balls his upon him as they swang back and forth. Our skin made a clapping sound as I banged and fucked his asshole. The tightness of his ass cheeks around my dick pulled on my rod like a hand job. The tightness surrounded my cock with hot warm pleasure. I pushed up in him hard and waited for a moment as my juice let off within him. I pushed of him and tried to catch my breath.
Randy then pushed me to the floor and pushed up in me. We lay a moment in spoon position. Then he pushed back and forth within me. He lifted my right leg as the thrusted hard and heavy with in me. Our skin pounded together like lout clapping. He rode me like he was riding a bull. Moments later he let my leg down and turned my head to French kiss me. His tongue entered and together our tongues did the lusting tango. He left my mouth and pulled and sucked on my lower lip for a short moment. There he pushed up into me hard he waited a moment then slapped my ass before pulled out. There he ejaculated on the back of my ass and asshole. There he stacked his claim, that I was his and only his. We lay in our backs wrapped in heat of passion. The clothes we still had on help heat things up even more. It may have been cold outside but it was warm in here. Randy leand over and nibbled on my right earlobe then in his soft voice whispered, "Wanna got to the waffle House?"
"Sounds good." I said getting up and pulling my boxers and joggers up.
Randy pulled up his unders and zipped and buttoned his jeans and rezipped up is Nike puffer jacket. We moved to the door I opened it and Randy walked out first and I second. I shut the door and lock it behind us. I place my keys in my jacket pocket. This time we were not walking but driving in my Dodge Charger.

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