The True Me

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I walked down the main hallway of the Newport mansions. Making my way to where I knew, my capture was held. I didn't feel like a prisoner in prison. I felt like I was a bird in a golden cage. With each step, I made my way to the study, I knew it like the back of my hand because I had been to the mansion so many times before. I knew where the study was. My fingers ran across the wall as I made my way to the fire east. With each step, I remembered being a young boy running around playing hide and seek with my friend Nick Richardson. Our fathers were business partners at the law firm. They were partners with two others but worked on cases most often together. And so we ended up Nick and I here playing out in the garden and clear days and rainy ones spend playing hide and go seek. I felt like we were playing the game at that moment. He was hiding, and I was seeking. I was seeking the wonder that was him. I wondered as I made my way down the hall if he felt the same as I did. We had one discovered each other, but after a long moment, we decided not to discover what was hidden within us. He was only 17 and I 16. We were too young to know what we wanted, or at least that's what we were told. The media, the world around us, our parents. My father told me to my face that he didn't raise a gay son. But on the other hand, Nick's father showered his son no emotion. Nick's father didn't care one way or the other, just that his name would live on through his son.
I placed my hand on the door knob and slowly turned the knob. A soft creeking sound broke the silence.
As I entered the room there, he stood in his glory. Standing there at his oversized wooden desk. Nick moved from behind it and urged me to him with a warm smile. I made my way to him. He pulled to me his side and kissed me, not a frail Kinder kit, a ragged carnal kiss. A kiss between lover, a kiss heated with passion. He moved from my lips to my cheek, the nibbled at my ear. He moved to my neck and began to suck for a moment. Each movement of his lips sent a tingle down my spine. I wanted the kiss to go on forever. He moved from me and helped pull my shirt off. They're my body was exposed. His lips found my chest, where he kissed me for a short moment before taking in my right nipple and sucking it like a lollipop. He moved downward, where he landed on his knees. There, he unbuckled my pants, then unbuttoned and unzipped them before pulling them down. There, I moved my feet out of the legs. His trembling hand pulled down my boxers, revealing my rock-hard manhood. There fore a moment he gave me a handjob. The Warmness of his hands since shivers through my body like a lightning hitting the ground. Lust and passion dripped from our bodies.
I moved him off of his knees and began to unbutton his blue collar shirt. I wanted to just rip the shirt off because I was stumbling with the buttons. Once I'm done, the shirt slides to the floor. I found myself kissing his rock-hard chest, making my way to his nipple. There, my lips, my tongue, and my teeth nibbled at the hardness of the nipple for a time. He moved me up and kissed me hard and rough on the lips. He parted them with his tongue, and together, we began to taste each other. With every kiss we took each other in. Only breaking for a moment to take in a short, ragged breath. But we knew each other could substain one another. We were each other's air, each other's water, each other's bread. We could last forever on a desert island.
He then pushed me down to the floor. There, I found his manhood waiting for me. I unbuttoned his pants and then slowly pulled his zipper down. Then my hands pulled down his denim jeans. And waiting for me hidden in his plaid boxers was his throbbing penis. I urged the boxers down there he stepped out of his high tops and under clothes. His dick was standing for attention. His could have hit me in the face. I placed my hand upon his waiting manhood. I rubbed it with my warm hand for a short time before placing it in my mouth. It throbbed. It was warm. I could feel the vains upon it. It was waiting anxiously for me to deep throat it. But the thought of me deepthroating with a little scary I only done it once before. I did it with my college boyfriend, at least I thought he was. But now, sitting on my knees in front of Nick, I knew he was what my heart desired. Emotions ran through me I love now doing what I wanted to do so long ago. My head bobbed up and down upon his penis every emotion brought me closer to pleasuring him. My teeth grazed the top of his head, and I knew shock waves were sent up his body, for the moan he made showed that I was where I belonged. Pleasuring the man in front of me. My hands found themselves grabbing a hold of his ass. An ass that was rock solid and ferm. I finally took his whole dick and deep throated him a loud moan came from deep within Nick. For the moment we were one. His tast was salty and warm. He pulls me up and whispered into my ear, "not tonight." He kissed me one last time before backing up and dressing himself. "Come with me to England." He asked. I give in. I fallow him I am clay in his hands. I am his.

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