consequences with the Rangers

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He had crossed the line he knew he wasn't supposed to cross. And he was going to have to deal with the consequences. For one, because it meant Ranger jerk got what he wanted. But more important, because he might have finally had them insight into his sister's case, and been important to make the most of it.
"Sean, wont you come in and have a seat." Said the Captain in a sturn voice.
He slid into the chair opposite captain Lee's desk. The two Rangers he had in the interrogation room with good on either side of the chair. They were impressive the three of them. Strong, in control, looking perfectly pressed in what considered as the Texas Ranger uniform: khakis, a dress shirt and a tie, Ranger badge and belt buckle, talked off with cowboy boots. The only thing they were not wearing were their white cowboy hats. Two of the cowboy hats were sitting on the desk, while the captain's hat was on his coat rack.
Sean loved a well put together Texas Ranger. The way they always had their shirts pressed their belt buckles polished and their guns safely placed in the holster. He thought maybe his reaction to Ranger jerk was because of the emotions connected to his manhood. The way the three rangers in the office engulfed him made him want to be sexually punished by one of the three. In his mind he was lost and I never to be fantasy.
"How do we move on from this incident?" Asked Captain Lee in a dry rugged voice. With every word captain Lee said steamed Sean up. His butter was being to melt.
The two Rangers beside him Ranger jerk and Ranger Carter added to the steaminess of the room. Sean felt his insides tighten with pleasure. He wanted to rip off their clothes and show damn what he was made of. But he was afraid to show his real self. Captain Lee stude up and in a deep voice said " it's unacceptable at what you did in the witness room. You are only in there to hypnotize the witness. You stepping in and asking questions was against policy." He wet his lips before moving on, " there must be consequences in what you've done."
"But captain they do not believe in my ability. " Sean said getting up out of his seat.
There Ranger jerk leand over and pulled Sean to him. He shoved his tongue in and down Sean's mouth. The way Ranger jerk kissed was stuff fantasies were made of.
Sean pulled away to take in a long needed breath. Captain Lee moved from behind the desk and made is way to lock the office door, before laying a wet wild kiss upon Sean's lips.
"You just going to watch Ranger carter?" Asked the captain.
Sean kissed the captain and with a shaky hand pulled out his crip white shirt from the pants they were tucked into, he started unbuttoning the shirt. There he pushed the shirt down and off it hit the carpeted floor. The Rangers were know undoing there shirts. Captain Lee pulled the Rangers in and all four of them tongued each other. For a moment they helped each other strip down to nothing. The well chiseled bodies we're standing in front of Sean his body was average. But the two Rangers and the captain sent shivers do his body was the way they kept their six packs well maintained.
It only took the captain a moment before he pushed over Sean and placed his manhood into Sean waiting ass. The ease of the dick within the ass sent off Pleasures through Sean's body. Sean loved the feeling of his asshole being spread by the dick. In a short moment Sean's ass was claiming against captain Lee's manhood.
Ranger jerk was moving Sean's head so his mouth could tack in his large rock hard penis. There Sean was getting it in both openings. His fantasy was coming true.
On the ground and under the captain and Sean was Ranger Carter. There he was sucking upon Sean's balls. Sean was getting it at all ends. Passion and pleasure was coming at him at a heavy force. With each thrust from captain Lee a feeling of lust moved throughout his body.
After a short moment of thrusting Ranger jerk jumped in and slowly placed his manhood into Sean's well lubricated asshole. After a short moment they had the desk moving.
The captain and Ranger Carter were digging into each other, Ranger carter was know banging into captain Lee. He had wanted to do this from day one. There lust feld the room. Sex moved from man to man. Ranger jerk was working Sean over again and again. There bodies pushed against each other like muffled clapping. "This is what consequences should be for now on." Sean loudly said in a ragged voice. Ranger jerk pulled Sean's neck back and placed a rugged hard kiss upon Sean's waiting lips. After the kiss Sean and Ranger jerk flipped there he rammed into Ranger jerks asshole like a dog in heat. The coolness of the room was now like a sauna. They pumped each other with lust. The same went with captain Lee and Ranger Carter. Ranger Carter took the captain's dick loudly. "Quite, wanna get cought?" There entanglment like roses gone wild. With each pump they made there way to the cliffs each. Lust brought them to the finches line. After a short moment things began to wind down. They quickly dress and after a time of making themselves presentable, Ranger Carter unlocked the door and exit the office. Sean sat back into the seat trying to wrap his mind around what they had just done. Ranger jerk leand down and whispered into Sean's ear, "Next time how about dinner?"
"Sounds great." Said Sean.
"How about Friday at 7:30." Ranger jerk added.
"You know my address. " Said Sean with a half smile upon his face.
Ranger jerk left the office with a pleasured look plastered on his face. "I'm going to go." Said Sean getting up from the seat.
"I would say so, unless you want a real punishment. " Said Captain Lee.
"I'll go." Said Sean exiting the office without looking back.

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