Game Of Love

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We kiss as I come home,
Push me up against the door,
Your lips hot soft and wet,
We move from hallway,
Into the waiting bedroom,
You tug at my t-shirt,
My abs six pack,
I tug off yours.

We undo are pants,
They fall to the floor,
We stand in our underwear,
Your hand finds my dick,
You rub it through the whites,
Your hand finds its way in
There I shiver up my spine,
Then you pull then down.

You fall to your knees
Your mouth finds my stick,
It's hard as a waiting rock,
You suck it from the head,
Lightly nibbling the head,
Then you deep throat,
Not gagging a single moment,
I feel the inside of you.

We play the game of love,
I pull you up and kiss you,
We fall onto the waiting bed,
There you put your manhood,
Into my waiting ass you push in,
You bump me once then twice,
You start slow then fast,
We lust for lust and love.

I Cum with in I shiver,
You pull me up and hardly kiss,
Your manhood is nice inside me,
It's a lifeline to my heart,
I pull you to me,
You pull out then I enter you,
I repay the fuck as I put it in,
Starting slow then I'm up to fast.

We roll in the sheets of softness,
We hold each other like freedom,
We're stock together like glue,
Your my life your my man,
We spoon after,
We have finished lust,
We hold on tight,
We sleep tell the morning light.
© Marty O'Neal

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