The Cowboys Angel

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“Dance with me.” she said as she moved closer to me. Her soft rose colored lips pressed together. She moved even closer to me, her breath warm on my skin. She had on a red velvet dress, a split all the way up to her left  thigh. She whispered her name in my ear, “ Abigail is my name the most call me Abby. "
I look her by the hand and lead her onto the dance floor. She put her hands around my neck. She laid her hands onto my nylon jacket. We began to two-step to a slow county tune. As we danced I began to get heated. I unzipped my puffer jacket to reveal my western wear under neath. I straightened my cowboy hat up upon my head. She lened her head on my shoulder. There as the music played I whispered into her ear, “My name is Kevin Jones.” she said nothing but I new she liked the small of my cologne it was Burberry of London. It made most ladies go wild.
The song came to an end we moved off of the dance floor. “Want to set with me cowboy?” Abby asked in a shy lady like voice.
“Let me just get my whisky. " I said heading to the bar where it sat. It only took a moment then I was sliding into the same booth as her.
“Do you come in here a lot?” She asked in a sexy tone.
“Only on the weekends." I replied in my husky tone.
“I know this is your first time." I added.
She looked at me with hot steamy eyes. The fuck me eyes others would call them. Her right hand was rubbing up my left leg. She stopped for a moment to rub my manhood through my pants.
“Is that a rocket or you happy to see me?” she asked as she wet her lips.
She unbuttoned my pants and slit her hand down in to them. There her warm hand found my waiting dick. She massage my dick up and down the shaft her hand went. She began to move a little faster. I wanted to moan I wanted to grown but I didn't either. We were in a packed bar and I doubt anybody would notice a thing. She continued I leaned back in the booth. I got the pleasure of her hand on my manhood she knew how to stroke a dick. She kept going and how my left leg began to shake there I came within my underwear. There she lend over and planted a kiss on my lips. Then she moved up on me and there moved her dress up and her pussy found my hard cock. She placed my dick into her. There she gently moved up and down. She was riding me right there in the bar. She moved a little faster. I looked around but saw no one watching. We were fucking in the bar and no one cared. She leaned down and jammed her tongue into my mouth. She was loved it, I was loving it.
She moved her pelvis in ways I could have only imagined. She moved up hard on my dick. She had me wanting to sing her name but I just keep quiet not drawing attention to us. She made me come again.
She moved off of me then whispered, “Let's go to my place and finish.”
It only took me to button up my pants to leave with her. Abby had away to any man's heart and she had mine for shore.

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