kiss My country ass

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There he was in his convertible staring at me like I was something to be desired. And I knew that desire made some people week. He looked at me and waved his hand for me to come over. I moved across the parking lot like a woman on a mission. I moved closer my legs moved slow and elegant. My body suede from left to right leaving if it seduction with every move I made.
The man in the convertible put a cigarette in between his lips. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his Zippo lighter and there he flolong it and a flame grow. Eas he trying to impress me? He took a long drag of his cigarette and began to blow smoke rings in the air.
I made my way to the car and leaned over the door. "What you doing cowboy?" I asked in a seductive voice.
You look at me for a moment hissy green eyes never leaving mind. His lips we're thin but strong enough to hold the cigarette. It hair short dark chestnut brown. His body rippled and he wasn't afraid to hide it with no shirt and all.
"I'm lookin' for a one night." He said in his sweet country voice. He had the kind of voice that would make any girls panties melt away. And mine were about gone as gone could be.
"Hope in." He said tapping the empty set next to him.
I opened the door and slid right in next to his smokin hot body. He didn't let me get the door shut before he took off. He was moving like a man on a mission. And in my mind I was his next mission. I was his next conquest and I was was going to love every minute of it.
He drive for a long moment tell he pulled off to a dirt road. There he looked over at me and said, "Lets see what you got cookin' " he lend over to me and placed one hand on my breast and the other on my leg. He was feeling me up like a teenager. And in some weird way I liked it it made me feel like a girl again. His lips found mine and his tongue parted my lips and found it's way into my mouth. He kissed me long and hard. His left hand moved from my leg to in between my legs. There he found my hot waiting pussy. He moved my skirt up and my panties over and his pointer finger found my waiting pussy.
He entered my hideaway with soft pressure. Tingles went through my body like soft shocks. He navigated it like a pilot navigating choppy air. His lips crushed even harder on mine he knew what he wanted. He was James Bond and I was just an ordinary bond girl. He unbutton and unzipped he is Levi jeans they fell to the ground and he slipped out of them. He revealed he is plain white boxers underneath. Unless then a second he had them off and the head of his penis found the opening of my pussy he entered like he was entering a sacred cave. He pushed up in me and I began to moan. He lifts up my shirt and then my bra his lips found my ripe waiting breast. His tongue flayed with my hard nipples. He was turning me on in more ways than one. "Say my name." He said in a ragged breath.
"Uh uh uh." I don't think I know his name?
"Bradely my name is Bradley." He said in a breathless voice.
After I said his name he lifted my shirt off them my bra fallowed. I was topless and he was pushing up on me like a hungry beast. He lend back and pushed up into me even harder making me moan. I unbutton his cinch cowboy shirt and he shook it off on to the floor.
After I came on his dick I feel unto my knees I nibbled on his rock hard dick. The head was first I keep it at the edge of my lips and ran my teeth barely up and down. Bradley shivered like he was cold. Then out of the blue I deepthroated his tasty cock. I kept it in tell I almost gaged then I found his balls and sucked on one and sent even more shivers up his spine. I sucked tell he almost came in my mouth. Then he came all over my breast. I was wet, sticky and cold.
There he pulled me up and lend me over a chair and his dick found my asshole. He slowly pushed up into my waiting ass.
He began moving in and out like a boat on the water. Then after a moment he started rocking me like a hurricane. His dick felt good in my ass. He knew how to squeeze it and make it vibrating my ass. Every movement he did send shock waves through my body. I couldn't hold it in any longer I'm moaned. He pulled me back to him and his mouth met mind. His tongue pushed my lips aside. He entered me and his tongue found the entrance to my throat. He knew how to french kiss. He let me go he pushed out hard in me he did it a couple of times did he exited. His juice let out on my ass.
I turned around and fell to the floor. There I took his cock into my mouth and began to suck him off again. His dick was warm in my mouth and it was dripping with cum. The juice tasted sour and sweet. My teeth graze his hand and he shivered and moaned my name. I was giving the cowboy what he desired a good hard fuck. I move down to his ball and took one into my mouth and sucked it. I knew the second of his balls would feel like pleasure. I switch to the other one and there I noticed he shivered I dropped the ball and looked up at him. "You cold?" I asked in a Sly sexy voice. He shook his head and pulled me up.

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