Undercover Lover.

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Nick was a victim. No matter how strong he was. No matter how much I felt for him. He was still a victim of this place. Kissing him, drawing him in, was like taking advantage of him. It was wrong. It flew in the face of who I was as an FBI agent.
But I didn't stop. Couldn't. Because, while it was against all those things, I was nn FBI agent. It didn't go against who I was. Deep down, this was all I wanted. Nick's tongue traced my mouth, and he let out a sighed against me. Melting, leaning. Crawling all the defenses I wound around myself. False identities. Badges and pledges, weapons, uniforms, and lies.
What he had told me was what this mission needed. What I needed to blow this case wide open. But know I had to confirm what he had told me. And that wasn't going to be easy.
I shouldn't get tangled up with Nick. But the heat was more than I could handle. And what we were doing was what the boss thought we were doing.
I pushed him back upon the mattress. My lips took him in. My body shivered as we came to the point of noreturn. His long fingers played with my long biker hair. His honey brown eyes gazed into mine with strong desire. He weekend me. I moved off of his lips and fumbled as I tried to remove his shirt. Nick moved up to make it easier for me to slide it off. I tossed the shirt across the room, and it hit the wall with a thumb. Nick began to remove my shirt each button quicker than the next. There, he pushed a shirt down until the arm crinkled up at my wrist. Finally, I removed my arms from the sleeves, and the shirt fell to the wayside of the bed.
We were shirtless me on top of him. Our hearts only an inch away from each other's. The only sound in the room was our heavy breathing. I leaned down to kiss upon Nick's neck. I sucked upon it before moving down to his washboard abs. There, I kissed his six-pack. I shivered as I moved down to his gray sweat pants.  My fingers entered his waistband. I tugged down his pants and underwear. His manhood flopped out from its trapped confinement. I took in a long, ragged breath before taking in Nick's waiting cock.
The hard shaft was easy to deep throat. I held it down for a short moment. It rubbed against my throat as I pulled up and off. I let my teeth gently graze upon the penis. I nibbled at the head of the stiff rod. I sucked on the lollipop for a moment before making my way up to Nick's waiting mouth. I placed a long, hard kiss upon it. We rolled around in the bed tell Nick was up on me.
Nick leaned down and placed his tongue into my mouth. He moved mine and sucked it into to his. He sucked on me for a time before moving down, placing kisses along the way. He found my belt and unbuckled then. He unbuttoned the jean and slid them down along with my boxers. My manhood saluted him with pride. It didn't take him long to deep throat me. He sucked me in like the air he breathed. He held it there for what seemed like a lifetime. He slowly pulled it out of his mouth. The feeling sent tingles up the shaft all the way up my spine. This was a dance into the garden of good and evil.
Nick nibbled upon the head of my dick sending tingles through my body. What he did with his mouth was pure magic. He moved off of my penis and began kissing my body as he came up to my waiting lips. He placed his lips upon mine and kissed me hard like a thief of love.
There we lay in each other's his back upon my chest. We spooned of a moment before I found his asshole and placed my hard manhood into it. It wasn't long before I was pushing in and out. A loud moan escaped Nick's mouth. The bed began moaning as well. After a moment, we were up on our knees, me riding his ass like a dog. Our flesh pounded against each other. Louder with each thrust. 
Nick held on to the headboard for dear life as I pounded into him with all that was me. I pulled his neck up and moved his face sideways and placed a nasty wet kiss upon his lips. There, I forced his teeth open and began to nibbled on his tongue. The taste of him was of lust and passion.
After a long moment, I thrusted hard within him. Nick let out a loud moan that, to me, was worth crossing the threshold.
We fell back onto the bed and, for a moment, lay in each other's arms again. There in a soft whipped voice I found myself promising something I shouldn't. "Nothing with happened to you, we will get out of this alive."
A knock came at the locked door. 
"You done in there." Said a harsh ragged voice.
"Let me get my clothes back on."
"Good the boss wants to see you." He added.
I dressed and left the room. All the while trying to get back in to my undercover self. It was hard to leave Nick but I promised I would get him out alive.

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