Bar Restroom

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Mac Davis moved from his motorcycle through the parking lot to the bar door. He let his cigarette fall to the ground and with his right foot crushed it out. In a moment he put his hand on the door handle and pulled it open. He could here the music poor out the jukebox that sat in the north corner of the bar.
Mac was a tall 6"1, his durty brown hair was greased back, his sea green eyes felt the smoke from the bar. As he entered the bar he unzipped his leather jacket. He moved and in nine steps found a bar stool and ordered a stiff one. With one drink he downed the fiery shot.
From the pocket of his jacket he pulled out is cigarettes and lighter. There he placed a cigarette between his lips. Then with the flick of the lighter lit his smoke. Mac took in a long drag of the smoothness of the cigarette. In a short moment he let the smoke bellow out of his nose.
"Thats hot." Said a voice from behind him. He turned slowly around to find a well dressed woman standing in front of him. She looked like she was out of place in a place like this.
"You think thats hot?" Mac said before taking in another ling drag. Then he let out the smoke from his nostrils.
"Teach me how to do that." She said before helping herself to a cigarette. Mac picked up the lighter and quickly lit it for her. Women that smoked made Mac hot and woman that knew what they wanted burned him up from the inside out, and left him smoldering.
"I'll teach you, more then thay." He said in a sex laced voice. His manhood was throbbing within his jeans. Tapping a beat of xscape of the rim of his denim.
"Sorry, i'm Abra, Abra Harper." She let her name roll of her toung. Before taking in a long drag of the cigarette. She took in another then crushed it out.
"Want to do something more then smoke?" She said as she licked her lips. "Meet me in the restroom." She lean over and whispered into his ear. She licked the ear and lightly nibbled on it. Then took his hand and pulled him along.
He let her lead to the waiting restroom. She entered first, then he followed. All the while keeping an eye for prying people and their nosiness. There he locked the restroom door. She pushed him up against the door and kissed him hard on his lips. Her hands found there way around his waist through his jacket. There she whispered "Men in leather turn me on." After a moment her hands found their way onto his jeans. She played with his throbbing manhood for a short moment. Then she quickly unbutton the jeans and unzipped them. They fell down to the ground and showed he had no tighty whiteys.
Abra saw Mac's waiting penis and she lusted over it as she fell to her knees. Her mouth found the tip of his rock hard manhood. She placed both hand on his dick like she was deep throating his penis. She went on before Mac picked her up off her knees and kissed her like a Frenchman would. His tongue touch hers and he took her in with every taste. He then moved the straps of her dress off her shoulders. There trapped in a bra was her perky brest. They waited for his mouth to taste them. To fondle them with his tongue. Suck on them like sweet melons of lust. He freed the waiting brest and his moist lips found the hard nipple of the right brest. Mac snacked on the right then he snacked on the left. There he pushed the dress down and found she wasn't wearing any panties. He pulled her up on the cabinet and pushed opened he legs. His mouth and tongue found its way between her waiting throbbing pussy. He let his tongue flick her clit. Gently, softly, and warmly. With every flick Abra felt ecstasy pulsate through her body. He knew what she had been eating because, her pussy was sweet and fruity like a pineapple.
The taste of her was all he wanted, the taste of a hot stranger. They say sex was all a man thought about, and Mac would have to agree.
He began to feel hot and there he pushed off his leather jacket. Then he pulled off his white T-shirt with the help of Abra. They both were now naked he moved up and turned her over the cabinet. There he placed on a condom before letting his dick up into her awaiting pussy. Slow and gentle he pushed up in her for a short moment. Abra mound as he entered. Fast and hard was what Abra cried out. And Mac pushed up on her fast and hard. She was a rider riding a hung dick like a horse. Passion was out of the question because this was strictly sex. This would be a one time this and Mac knew this.
He did the dance of lust rough and hard. He rode her like he was riding a steel horse. The sound of xscape escaped her soft plump lips. He watched the thrusting from the half cleaned mirror. Mac loved watching himself have sex it got him off even more.
Abra mound in her soft rough voice. She cried out his name as he thrusted hard with in her. He pumping his juice with in the condom. There he pulled out and fell to his knees and found her waiting pussy. His tongue flickered at her clit again. For a moment he waited then she juiced. Her hot cum was tasty to him as he licked it up. He drank from the well of lust. Mac couldn't get enough of her sweet warm juice. He now felt the warmth upon his face.
Abra pulled him up and licked her cum off his lips. There for a moment she waited. Then she pushed him away. She looked for her clothes and quickly placed them on her long lengthy body. After dressing she kissed him one last time before exiting the restroom.
Mac placed his clothes on and replaced his leather jacket on his brod figure. He took one last look around the restroom then made his way out. He stood in the bar and lite a cigarette and took in a long slow drag before leaving the bar. He made his way to his waiting motorcycle. He swung his leg over it. He pulled out the keys from his pocket. He placed it in the ignition, turned it and in a second the roar of the engine came to life. He through his cigarette down then place his helmet on and drove away leaving dust in his way.

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