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I pulled up at Johnsons mechanics and took one last drag from my cigarette before putting it out. I played my left hand on the door handle and opened the car door. I pulled myself up out of the car. The highway was just behind me. Cars, trucks, and vans raced down the paved highway. I made my way up to the door and pushed it open. I entered the shops office where a tall, rugged man stood framing the back entrance.
He barely cleaned the door frame at 6'11'. "How may I help you?" He said in a gravelly voice. It set shock waves up and down my spine. His dark blue eyes looked like they were staring into my darkest soul. He looked like he'd been rolling in oil. His dirty grungy look set my body on fire. But I had to keep my mind on why I was here in the first place. And not on what I could clearly see under his tight pants.
"My charger needs a motor put in," I said, trying not to sound nervous. He moved from the door frame to the desk chair. I found myself on the barstool in front of the desk. His fingers began typing away at the keyboard.
"What year is your charger?" He asked. I gave him my year, then the make, and finely the model. Then he gave me a price. "But if we run into some trouble, it could go up." He said in a raspy voice.
"OK, that sounds great." I said, then filled out the paperwork he had placed in front of me. After I was done, I shook his hand and agreed to bring it in later that day.
"See you at 4:45 then." I said, shaking his hand again. A shock of electricity shoot through my body. This feeling was strong it made me want to take him right there in the office. With that one shake, I could smell him, the oil, the grease, mixed with sweat, and must it feeled my sense with lust.
In my mind, as I walked out of the office, I thought, "Desires make me weak." Then again, I knew that rugged men, making me weak even more.
Three hours later, my Charger was up on a wrecker and on its way to the machine shop. The motor was in the back of the truck I'd borrowed. The drive was only 20 minutes, but it felt like a lifetime. The feeling in my stomach churned like it was making butter. The thought of seeing the mechanic again had me on the edge of desire.
I pulled off the highway and on to the service road. Only two yards to the shop. The thought of seeing Levi Young the mechanic had me hot a sweaty. I fished for a napkin to whip the sweat of my forehead. The toe truck pulled into the driveway two minutes before me. I pulled in to see him waving the toe truck beyond the gates. I parked the truck in a parking spot and got out. "The motor is in the back." I said as I walked closer to Levi. I felt butterflies move around in my stomach. Beads of sweat began to build upon my forehead. But I didn't try and whip them away.
"Let the car down in bay two." He said to the driver. The driver did as Levi instructed. He unhooked it, then got back in his truck and drove away. "Bring the motor to bay one." Added Levi.
I got back into the truck and pulled in backward into Bay One. Levi put chains on it and then pulled it up with his engine hoist. I walked over to him and thanked him and wrote him a check for half the job.
Levi took the check and placed it in his wallet. The smell of oil and musk feeled the air. "Lust is a game of strong sexual desire." He said in a husky voice.
I moved closely to him and placed my hand on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat racing a thousand miles a minute. "Wanna play." He said just before he ripped my buttoned up shirt open. " Sex is a dish best survived hard." He added.
There, I moved close and kissed him hard on his lips. The taste of him was of Marlboro Reds and Bud- weiser. He found my rock-hard dick and rubbed the stick within my jeans. With every stroke, shivers ran up my penis and through my body. He kissed me one last time before falling to his knees. There, he began kissing my pole through the jeans. After a short moment,he unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped them. With his hands, he found my underwear and pulled them and the jeans down. My hard pole bounced out and into Levi's face. There, his lips found the head of my waiting dick.
His warm mouth and saliva with the warmness of my rod. After a short time, he began bobbing up and down. With a hand on my shaft, it was like he was deep throating me. The sent of him mixed with the sent of me. Old spice and motor oil lingered in the garage air. Sending more lust and passion through my body. His teeth bite my shaft as the enamel touched my tip. Feelings of shivers set waves through my head. He had away about him, away of making me feel in the zone.
He moved off my penis raised up, and found my lips. There, he kissed me, his tongue opened up my mouth. His tongue entered my mouth, and we danced the dance of passion.  I pushed him against the vintage car. I fell to my knees with the zipper in hand. I unzipped his overalls, and he shimmied out of his work jumper. I helped them down his thick legs and found out he had no underwear on. My hot, warm mouth found his waiting dick. There, I put it in my mouth, tickling his head with my teeth. I could tell he shivered with my ever-present teeth.
With my mouth, I began to bob upon his manhood. I'm eating it like it was a hotdog on a stick. After a long moment, I deep throated it. All the while, I'm hoping not to gag on it. No sound. I was in the clear. His strong hands found their way onto my head. There, he tangled his fingers into my hair. After a moment, he pulled me up. I found myself bent over the trunk of the vintage car. He placed a condom upon his thick juicy cock. Then it found my waiting asshole. He gently placed his man- hood into my hole. Pumping me with his lust. Our ass' smacked against each others making a clapping sound. I found myself moaning quickly at first. After crying out his name, I moaned loudly with pleasure and pain. The fucking of me was like a fantasy from the hard-core novels I liked. This was my dream come true. He rocked me and the vintage car at the same time. Levi pushed hard and slowly in me for a short moment. Sex felled the air mixing with oil and gas. Levi moved off of me.
I was handed a condom where I placed it upon my rod. He leaned over the car, waiting for me to enter him. There I pushed up onto him jabbing my manhood up into hid asshole. I slowly rubbed up in him. Each thrust slowly got faster. Tell our ass' clapped low against each other. I pulled his neck back and found his plump lips and parted them with my tongue. My kiss seeked to ignite a firestorm of hot passion. A moment later, I pushed hard up into him, setting lust on fire.
We became one at that moment rocking the vintage car with every thrust. He cried out in pain and pleasure. My name dripped from his lips, "Chris, ride me faster." Levi said. I moved faster in him, and he moaned out loudly again. A feeling shoot out with in me sending shivers all through my body. After a moment he moaned, I pulled out of him. We kissed one last time before dressing.
"I'll called you when the motor is ready. "
"Okay." I pulled my pants up then added, " Can I call you for a date?"
"I'd welcome it. You have my shop number, but her is my cell." He said writing his number on my hand. I moved to the waiting truck. I got in and turned on the motor and pulled away. This was not our only fuck just our first.

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