One Winters Day...

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Lust comes when you less expect it. When a man first sees a woman. Emotions well up within him. His hormones rage out of control. But the out of control part was what his body lungs for.
Mike Judd saw her as she entered the bar and grill. She had a way about her. She swayed her hips back and forth when she walked. Her dress moved in suggestive ways. She was three inches taller than her original height of 5'6.  With each step her lipstick red heels clicked on the tiled floor. They raced up her manicured feet. Then up her thin tan legs. Leading up to her hour glass figure.
Lust dripped off Mike's face in a pool of pleasure. He could not keep his corn blue eyes of her. She sat at the bar two chairs over. She placed her order with the bartender. "One long island ice tea please." There she rummage through her small purse and pulled out her cigarettes. She took one and placed it between her lips. She scrummaged through her purse to come back with no lighter. She leaned over at Mike and asked for a light. There he picked up his lighter and flicked it and lite her cigarette for her. She took in a long drag and for a time held the smoke within. She loved the taste that was helded within her.
Mike lend over and introduce himself. She introduced herself as Marie Montgomery. He liked what he saw right in front of him. He moved over and sat right next to her. "Do you come here often."
"No." Marie said as she flicked her ashes in the tray. The bartender came back with her drink. She picked it up and took a long drink from the glass.
It was funny that he asked if she came here often. Because he came here every Tuesday and Thursday night and on game days too. He knew what was doing on within him. He felt the lust in his pants as his manhood pressed against his zipper. He knew that lust was a dangerous game and he loved to play it when it came up. He lend over to whisper into her ear, "Wanna get out of here?"
"Why?" She questioned him but she new because she felt the heat. Marie's body was shivering within. She tried not to look into his corn blue eyes. Because she knew that she would loss herself within them.
"Why not." Mike added taking the last drink of his red eye beer.
"I got a room up the street." She said. Oh no Mike thought, but quickly changed it. A girl like that wouldn't be in here.
"I'm here on business." She added knowing what he may have thought.
She picked up her pack of cigarettes and placed them in her purse. Mike pulled on his jacket and wool cap.
She did the same with her long wool jacket.
"Boy it's could here." She added as the left the bar and grill.
"Just over there is my car." he said pointing to his black mustang. They walked to the car, he opened the door to let her in. Then he hopped in to the driver side. "Were too." He asked.
"Just next door." She said. He started the engine pulled out and took a short drive to the Holiday Inn just five steps over. There he parked in the closest vacancy. They both got out at the same time and she guided him through the front door. They stood in front of the elevator for a moment waiting for it to open. There she put her hand on the third floor button. They took the short ride up and then got off. There she guided him down the hall to room 323. She pulled out her door card and in seconds opened the door. As she opened the door he turned her around and began kissing her hard on the mouth. His tongue touched her and together they began the lust as one.
He kissed her on the neck with one hand on her back and the other on her neck. He moved down to her covered breast. He placed his right hand on her boob and pushed up her shirt and bra. There his mouth found her hard nipples. He took it in his hot wet mouth and began sucking upon it.
She pushed into him as she began to get hot with every suck. She pushed him back to the other side and fell to her knees. She placed her hands on his belt and unbuckled it. Then her hand found the button on his pants and she unfastened it. Then came the zipper down it went. She moved his pants to his knees along with his unders. They're in her face was his exposed penis it flat within her face. Her mouth enclosed around the rock hard dick. There she took it in and sucked hard. She placed her teeth gently on the head and nibbled. She knew this would send a sensation up his spine. She had done this more times then not. He moved her head up and down.
Mike lend back on the wall and his eyes watched her give him head. He like the way she was doing it. What she did with her teeth sent a long shiver up his spine. And the pressure she applied on his balls with her hand made his genitals quiver. He Mound as she began to deep throat him. He could feel her dangly thing within her throat. It rubbed against his head and more pleasure shot up his spine. He loved the way she was at ease with everything she did.
He pulled her up and kissed her hard on the mouth before pushing her to the bed. There he pushed up her dress and helped her out of her thong. His mouth found her clit and flicked it with his tongue. Then he sucked upon it for a short moment. Then he crammed his tongue within her pussy. There he moved it up and down. He knew he was doing something to her.
She placed her hands on his head. She pushed his head hard and farther into her pussy. She moaned as he ate from the forbidden fruit. She pushed him more into her as she cried out in lustful pleasure. His tongue was doing things that made her quiver. It was like he was a pro at eating pussy.
He moved up and helped her undress. They throw the clothes every witch way. His jacket was lost, his shirt went flying and landed on the TV. He moved up and placed his dick within her waiting woman- hood. He banged at her pussy slowly then speed up. She moaned in pleasure as he fucked her. They played the game of pleasure hoping they both won. He liked the sound of there body's as the clapped against each other. He picked her up and turned her around and then fell on to the bed.
There he strangled his wast and began riding him like a wild stallion.
She rode him as she did kegel exercises on his dick. She knew that men liked the presser of it. He mound as she rode him slow then fast. She lend down and kissed his chest and bite down on his right nipple and Mike screamed out in intense pleasure. She found his waiting mouth and began sucking on his bottom lip. Her pussy glided effortlessly on his manhood. The feel of his dick within her it made her moan. She shivered as she came up on his penis. He pulled out of her and rubbed on off on her purky brest. She placed a hand on his cum and then licked it off her fingers. She kissed him on the lips before finding her clothes. He pulled up his pants and underwear and fastened his belt. He retriever his shirt and jacket he placed them on. One last kiss at the door and she let him go. They both knew this was there last meeting. This was just a one night quick fuck.
Mike had a sawager about him as he moved down the hall. He pushed the bottom on the elevator to down. In a second he was on his way down. He got off and made his way to the sliding doors and out into the cold. He took one last look at hotel before getting into his mustang and driving away.
Marie fixed her clothes and mackup just as her phone rang. "Ready for dinner." Said the voice on the other end. "Be down in five " she said just before she hung up. There she picked up her purse and exited the room and made her way to the elevator and for the waiting person in the lobby...

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