The Graduation Gift.

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We entered my bedroom at my dad's. My step cousin Steve and i, there he flops down upon my bed. "You know you're my favorite cousin. " He said.
There, I stood in my cap and gown, hot from the heat of the may sun. I pick up the towel from the edge of the bed. I whip my face from free of the sweat.
"You know, with you being away at college, I missed our sleepovers. " He quickly said.
Steve and I had pretty good sleepovers. Durty sleepovers, I called them. On one of these sleepovers, we found my dad's gay porn stash. We did what any teen boy would. We popped one in the DVD player. It wasn't long before we practiced on each other.
"You know you were my first. " He said quietly. There, he moved off the bed and came close to me. There, he began unzipping my rob. Once unzipped, he pushed it off my shoulders, and there it fell to the floor. "So you were hiding a secret under that rob no close?" He said in a shocked voice. "Then why were you sweating?" He questioned.
There, I brought my hand up to cradle his head before kissing him on the mouth to avoid his question. We kissed like we were each others lifesuport. The taste of Steve was smooth like fin chocolate.
He didn't pull away he pulled us toward the soft bed. I let him move us as we kept kissing. I fell on top of him as we soft landed on the bed. He turned us over to where he was on top. There, he began to move from my lips to my neck. The softness of his lips tingled as he began to kiss me on the neck. The wetness of his spit left a trail as he moved to my clavicle. His lips lingered for a moment and then landed on my chest.
He moved to my right nipple where Steve sucked it in like a hard candy. For a temporary moment, I felt like I was in heaven. The feeling of him upon me was heaven on earth. Then, he slid down to my underwear, where he pulled them down. My penis escaped the confinement of the underwear. For a moment, it bobbed in Steve's face. There, his warm wet mouth found the head of my penis. He began to massage the hand with his lips. His teeth softly nibbled at the top of my manhood. The motion sent warm shivers through my dick and up my spine. He inhaled my sausage into his mouth. Steve, then started to Bob up and down on my stick.
Lust danced at the doorstep of pleasure. He then deep-throated my throbbing manhood. Choking sounds escaped his mouth. After a moment, he came up for air and then continued to pleasure me. He moved down to my waiting balls, where he sucked one in like a soft gummy. It felt like he was drawing my strength with every suck. There, his tongue moved up over my body, making its way up to my lips. There, it found its way into my mouth. The taste of him entered me, and he tasted of mint and chocolate. It's two of my favorite flavors.
We turned over again. I'm on top of him. I released my lips from his mouth. I kissed his cheek and then made my way to his neck. From his neck to his chest. I kissed his chest before finding his left nipple. I took his nipple within my mouth and began to suck upon it like I was sucking on a grape. He moaned softly as I continued to suck him in like was the tree of life.
My mouth moved down to his stomach, and then I found his pants. There, I unbuttoned and unzipped them before pulling them down. I then removed his boxers. His cock rose up to meet me. I devoured it instantly deep throating it. I choked as it went down my gag reflexes were rough but I managed to keep it in and down for a long moment. Pleasured sounds came from Steve's throat. As I moved off of the dick my teeth grazed the side of his man- hood. He moaned loudly and deeply as his penis exited my mouth. I sucked him for a moment before turning him around and eating him out. He tasted like pain and pleasure.
Lust took me over, and I tapped my dick on his round ass. Then I pushed my juicy penis into his wet waiting ass. A scream escaped his cover mouth. As I slowly moved in and out of him. My thick meet encased within his anal glan. I began to pound at the door of rough lust. I moved up to pounding him, our flesh drumming a ragged beat. Every thrust into him made him moan. I was hoping we wouldn't get caught. Our dads were only in the living room. I could tell I had hit his sweet spot. With a soft tender moan, he was now making. We had fallen into the perfect groove. Lust, passion, and sex mixed in the air. We took turns playing each other. Tell my dad knocked on the door "Were going to the restaurant in half an hour be ready. " He said kindly. We finished the game of lust in the shower. Dressed and keep our secret deep within us.

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