Neon Eyes.

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He walked into the crowded room with his heart on his sleeve. Pain dripped from his fingertips. He sat on the only stool left the one next to me. Pain ran down his beautiful face, wetting his olive skin. His chocolate brown eyes mixed with red. I could tell he has been in pain for hours. I could tell he was way too vanilla to be in this bar with his order.
"Margarita on the rocks." He  ordered through a pained, laced voice. People who came in here with a broken heart didn't drink margaritas. This was a shot with a beer kind of place.
"Hay, what brings you in here?" I said just to be kind.
"I'm trying to go vegan." He said with broken confidence. Before taking a long sip from his drink.
"Ohhh, I could never be. I love meat too much." I said without thinking. I placed my hand in the air, and the bartender poured me another round of Jack. I took the shot down in one second, then took a long sip of my beer to chase away the sting. I reached into my black bomber jacket pocket and retrieved my cigarettes and lighter. There, I opened up the hard top and pulled out a smoke. I placed it between my lips and lit the cigarette I took in a long drag. I let the smoke linger in my lungs for a long moment. I took in the aroma before blowing it out.
He looked over at me and asked of a smoke. He handed him a cigarette from the box. He looked at it and rolled it between his fingers for a moment before placing it into his mouth. the long cylindered cigarette dangled from his lips. Holding it in his lips, he began to say, "I haven't had one of these in over 3 years." I didn't ask why start back now, but I knew why. Cigarettes and alcohol went together like birds of a feather. I lit his cigarette he inhaled a long drag to smoke up his broken heart. As he sat next to me, I knew he was different. I knew his heart needed to be healed. I knew it was going to be hard to get him to let me in. But I wasn't afraid to try.
After a moment, he pushed his drink away, and he raised his hand up to get the bartenders attention. "Can I get a shot of Tennessee whiskey?" He asked in a new attitude. His softness was beginning to melt away. With each drag, his attitude was changing from vanilla to creamed coffee. I crushed out my smoke, and as the bartender came back, I bought his drink and ordered me another shot.
"You don't need to." He said. "This is my broken heart." He added.
"Anything for a broken heart, I've been where you are before.
"I added. "I'm tylor." I offered. He, in a cracked voice, told me his name, "Jeremy, nice to meet you." I said, reaching out a hand to shack his. He shook it. his hand was limp, but that would change. I wanted to mind his broken heart. I wanted to do more than just mind it. someone like him didn't need to be in a place like this. Hell, I didn't need to be here. The only reason I was was because I was hiding behind my neon eyes. My green eyes glowed in the blue nean of the bar's name on the wall behind the bartender.
He crushed his cigarette out and leaned over, pulling me in hard. There was no way he was not kissing me. He was aggressive he was focused on kissing me.
"That's for the drink." He said with whiskey on his breath.
I was in shock, I wanted more, but I knew he needed to take it slow. "Wanna dance, Jeremy?" I asked as a Morgan Wallen song began to play. I felt for this song cause I was doing the samething chasing my demons like a shot of whiskey. He let me pull him onto the dance floor. There, we held each other as the song played from the jukebox. He placed his head on my shoulder. His breath was hot with a hint of whiskey, and his arms felt even hotter, like he was made of molten steel. I was happy to hold him, like I wished some had done for me.
The song began to end when his breath landed on my ear, "Wanna get out of here?"
I took in a big gulp. Then added, "Are you shore?" I questioned.
"I need something to help me get over him." Jeremy said in a tearful sexy voice. That broken twang in his voice had me at I need.
I walked back to the bar and picked up my cigarette and lighter, placed them in my pocket, and we were headed for the door. Moments later, we were in my old Chevy Silverado. I pulled my keys from my jacket pocket and took them out. Seconds later, the truck came to life with a load roar. I backed out, throwing gravel into the air. As I hit the asphalt, I drove into the night. I drove, not knowing where we were going. My voice spock shaky. "Where shall we go."
"Anywhere, dark." Jeremy said as lust dripped from his lips. Something within him had changed, and he was radiating pleasure. My body couldn't wait to mount him. I was almost tempted to just fuck him on the side of the road. Fuck the police, in this town everyone looked the other way anyway.
I drove to the outskirts of town and pull down an abandoned roadway. There after a few minutes of driving I pulled off into the darkened side. There I turned off the the truck. I scooted close to Jeremy. My waiting wet lips found themselves upon his there we kiss for a long moment, we took each other in like a fine wine. His hands found themselves inside my jacket. A short moment later the jacket was beginning to fall to my side I quickly pulled my sleeves out of the bomber jacket. He pulled away from my lips a second. I was wondering if anything was wrong, but his eyes said more.
"We can't fuck in here?" He questioned
"I got a blanket behind my set, we can put it in the back for cushion." I said in a steamy voice.
"Let's go." He said just before exiting the truck.
Once the blanked was on the bed of the truck, we found each other again. His hot lips found mine. He opened my mouth with his tongue and started sucking my bottom lip. Every kiss sent electric lust throughout my body. He crouched to the ground. His hands found the belt and began to buckle it. After a short moment, his hands found my button and unbuttoned my jeans. In one swooped motion, he pulled my pants and underwear down around my knees. My manhood was saluting him. It only took him a moment before his full mouth with upon my cock. He was tickling the head of my dick with his teeth gently. Every nibble it had my mind blown. The coolness of the night and Jeremy on my dick made me moan out in a hot, pleasured voice.
He moved up to my lips and placed his firmly upon mine. Before I found him unbuttoning his pants. They fell down around his ankles. He reviled that he was nude underneath. And his cock was ready to play the lustful game of give and take. He spun me around and fell back to the ground and began eating my asshole like I was a buffet. Five minutes later, he was pushing up into me. The girth of his manhood made me cry out in pleasure. The length was at least 8 inches. He slowly built up speed as he pulled in and out of my hole. With each stroke, he was staring up dirty in the back of my mind. He bent me over the tailgate, and his shoe was next to me as he began pounding me even harder.
"Damn, fuck fuck me." I found myself saying.
"This is what I need." He replied out of breath.
Our bodies clapped together, sending echoes into the dark. I moaned loud as I could tell he had busted a nut into me. He pulled off of me, and I kissed him.
I then returned the favor. I pushed him flat on his back and pulled his shoes and his jeans off before grabbing hold of his legs and planting my face into his asshole. My tongue flickered at the hole for a moment before digging in. My tongue pushed in and out for a moment wetting the hole before I placed my cock at the doorway to passion and pleasure.
I slowly entered the door of no return. Slowly, I pushed with in his pleasure Palace. Moans and groans escaped Jeremy's mouth. I entered fully with one swoop. One  loud cry of passion escaped his mouth. I lean down. I forced my tongue down his throat as I roughly kissed him long and hard.
I picked up a rhythm as I pouned upon his sweet, tight ass. Lust dripped from our fingertips. Sweat and musk mixed with the sent of midnight. I pick up speed, and he let his moans ring out into the middle of nowhere. This was the most fun I'd had in a long while. It wasn't my first dangerous thing, not by a mile.
I pushed further into him, holding my dick within him, I was as close to him as I could get. I held it there till i was shore my warm juice was fully in him. After a moment, my mouth was on his manhood. I suck him off a moment before deep throating him. I held it in for a second before gagging. I took it a little farther held, and as I pulled off, my slobber clinged to his manhood. Then I pulled out before pulling my jeans up. I smacked him on his round bare ass. He moans with eroticness. We dressed before getting back into the truck. I placed my bomber jacket back on. We drove back to the bar in silence. Before we entered the parking lot, he asked for my number. "Want to go on a real date with you." He said. I gave him my number and he called me to make shore I had his. When we came to a stop before he got out, he placed a hot, steamy kiss upon my lips.
It wasn't ten minutes later he called me again, "What you doing this Saturday?" He asked.
"Going on a date with you." I replied in a shy voice. That was the first time in a hot moment someone else made the moves on me. And to be honest, I thought to myself I liked it.
"How about dinner, a movie, and a fuck." He said.
"Sound good down town close to the theater are place to eat."
"See you Saturday at 7:30." Said Jeremy before hanging up.

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