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It was a warm morning, the weatherman had already put the temperature at 98 for central Oklahoma. Max Power stood tall at 6'2 staring into space. He didn't notice when part of his long chestnut brown hair fell into his face. His thoughts kept floating to Quinn a slender built man of 5"11 with well maintained strawberry blonde. His boldness showed from his tight shirt. Max felt heat buildup in his body. His manhood felt the heat first. It moved through out his body arousing him. A feeling of lust hung in the wings of his mind.
Max was brought back to reality with a honk from outside the barn. He looked out the barn door to find a pick-up truck.
There Quinn Jackson sat waiting for Max, Max took the shirt walk to the truck there he opened the passenger door. He took off his black cowboy hat then climbed up into the navy blue truck.
"Hot morning." Said Quinn as the hot air hit him.
"Hot as hell." Said Max in a husky ragged voice.
The way Max spoke would send shivers down any man spine. Max slammed the door shut trapping the sent of old spice and fresh air conditioning in the cab of the truck. Quinn took in the sent and had to tame his urge to jump Max's bones. He put the truck in reverse and turned the pick-up around. He then placed it in drive. Gravel spat from under the tires. Max placed his at next to him.
"Can't believe one of my ranchhand is riding in the rodeo." Said Max turning and looking at the side of Quinn.
Quinn drove a short moment before driving on to hard red earth. There he pulled in to the road trying not to hit the metal gate. On to the road he pulled. Driving along the dirt road behind him dust flu. In the cab of the truck lust began to build up. Quinn reached for his bandana to whip the sweat off his forehead. Tensions grew within his Wrangler jeans. Tension craft again the zipper of his tight fitting jeans. Tangled raged through his body. He had never felt like this way for a boss before. He didn't know how long he could ride without acting on his feelings. The tall man next to him stirred up hot feeling of passion within him. He turned to look at Max and caught a glimpse of hid side face.
Max rode a mile without saying a word. There he turned on the radio to the sound of George straits voice got them both singing. " All My Exes Live in Texas, that's why I hang my head in Tennessee." Fell naturally out of their mouths. There tone was smooth with a hint of Oklahoma twang. The ride into town would be 45 minutes and sitting in silence would be abore. As the song ended Max began to speak, "it's really hot in here "
"Yes, yes I know." Quinn said in a soft voice. "I don't think it's the temp making me hot." Quinn added quickly.
"I think your right." Max said without thinking.
"I know how to cool it down" Quinn said putting his hand on Max's leg.
"I think your right, pull over to the side and I'll cool your ass way down." Max said in a lusty voice. He looked over at Quinn and licked his lips.
Quinn pulled the truck over to the side and put it in park. He scooted over and found his lips on Max's. His tongue parted Max's lip apart and began french kissing. There tongues played the dance of lustful passion. Max's hand found it was up Quinn's tight sea green shirt. He rubbed the ridges of muscles under the for- bidden terrain. Lust dripped from there lips as the roughly kissed hard. Quinn climbed up on Max like he was climbing up on a stallion for the first time. He straddled Max's lap and began to rub his body against Max's.
Max found his way into Quinn's jeans. His hand found his throbbing penis awaiting him. He pulled it out a little revealing the top of the staff. There he unbuttoned the pants. There he pulled out the cock even more. Max pushed Quinn's jean down and found his tongue reaching for the head of the manhood.
Max pushed Quinn up against the dashboard. His mouth planed onto the waiting penis. He began sucking on the head of the cock. The taste was warm in his mouth.
Quinn pushed up so more of his cock would go into Max's wet sticky mouth. The feeling of his manhood Being taken was a long time dream of his. His boss had turned him on ever since he found out he was gay. The long tall cowboy really did something to him when they were around each other. This was the first time the acted on it.
Max was going to town on Quinn's lollipop. Sucking it like he was sucking on a cherry lollipop. With every feel of Max's teeth upon his staff sent shivers up his spine. Max had away with sucking men off. He had made it an art form. Max looked up and kissed Quinn on the lips
After the kiss Quinn unbuckled Max's paint then unbuttoned them. His hands found his waiting manhood he pulled at it to come out. Max pushed his jeans down to his knees. Then with is hand opened the truck door. "It's getting crowded in here." He said. Quinn got off and stud just outside the truck as Max lend back on the truck seat. There Quinn's mouth found Max's rock hard dick and with one suck had it in his mouth. He pushed down on it then pulled up. The taste was sweet and tangy all in one bite. His teeth grazed Max's head sending a shiver up Max's spine,
"Yes." Yelled out Max in a pleasured moan. He had never been sucked like this before. It was a new way of lusting. A feeling that had him losing it all over his body. Quinn's mouth was doing things it had never done before. Once he felt the pulsating head Quinn pulled off and Max's cum dripped from the head. Quinn sucked it up like hot coconut milk. It had a tangy taste but it hit him in the sweet spot. This was Quinn's first taste of the farmer. But it wasn't going to be his last.
"Need to be on are way." Said Max as he pulled his pants up and then pulled Quinn off his knees and placed a hard kiss on him. " this is not our last time." He buckled his jeans and got back into the truck. Quinn got in and they drove away to their destination. But neither could keep there minds off each other. Lust ran through their minds freely. Like wild horse running free as can be.

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