Major Lover

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It's a typical Friday night. I'm sitting on my stool at the door checking IDs and collecting the $2 entry fee. I opened the bar for happy hour at 4:30 with only a few customers, mostly sailors and marines from the base down the street. I'd put aside $2 in quarters then, as usual, for them to play pool. The regulars would not start arriving for another hour. The military guys would drift in after getting off duty, along with a couple of the local firemen. Supposedly all of them were straight here for the cheap drinks and free pool games. It hadn't taken me long to notice the occasional pat on the ass of the men at the pool table or when I saw a fireman go off to the bathroom followed shortly by a sailor or marine. After about 20 minutes they exit smiling. The early crowd, about 20 guys, would mostly leave when my regular gay customers filtered in. By 7PM the place would be rocking with the juke box bellowing out show tunes and happy hour drinks would flow with a few good looking service men talking with the gays. Happy hour would end when the manager came in to relieve me at 9PM. I opened the bar 3 days a week and worked the door on the weekends so I was a known face. My teaching job ends at 3:15. It gave me time to prep the place forFirst Normally, the patrons were friendly with me. Among the local military and gay men, the bar was a place to relax before hitting other venue hunting for "the one". Yep, I got hit on by both gay and supposedly straight men. At 5' 11" with a thin body and boyish looks coupled with my shaggy haircut I was "cute" by some standards. Some of the military guys would tell me that I looked barely old enough to be in a bar. I'd laugh telling them thanks for the ego trip. In case of trouble I knew that the manager kept a baseball bat behind the bar. The local thugs never bothered the bar giving us our space. I also knew that at the end of the night the manager or one of the customers would give me a lift home. Sometimes on the way home we'd hit an all night joint for breakfast The funny thing was that I was a virgin no matter how many men flirted with me. A few of the "straight" customers would hit on me, slipping a phone number to me wrapped in a twenty dollar bill. I'd take the number but slip the bill back to them. One Friday night at about 11, a fine looking military guy came to the door. I checked his driver's license and admitted him. It was a busy night so I paid no attention as men lined up to get in. At closing time the manager came over to collect the door money. He leaned in to whisper "That Marine says that he's waiting for you to take you to breakfast. He's an officer. I can tell since I was a Marine once. He's also sober, drinking cokes all night. Good luck!" I turned to the table and he smiled, nodding. I thought "Okay, breakfast is all." I grabbed a beer and sat with him. He introduced himself as Mac and said " I know your name, John. I asked the manager already." We talked as the place closed down. Mac asked me if I knew of an all night place where we might get breakfast. I knew of the usual place we went after closing. It was one of chinese places that also served a late night American breakfast. The clients were late night bar hoppers and bar staff. Over steak and eggs Mac asked me about my life and how I ended up working at the bar. I explained that my teaching job barely covered my expenses so the extra money came in handy. I told him that I had no real social life and working in the bar forced me to mix with people. He smiled saying "But you're good looking and must have women chasing you." I laughed at that then said "But my luck with women was pretty poor. Plus, they never interested me much." He leaned in closer saying "And men?" I know that I blushed before admitting "I've never been with a man. The patrons of the bar flirt, of course, but I'm working so they soon give up to chase others." Mac grabbed my hand in his whispering "But what if I flirted with you right now? Would you say yes?" I stammered a weak "yes!" He lifted my hand for a light kiss and ordered the waiter to bring the bill. We drove in silence to my place. Once inside we wasted no time in stripping each other naked. Mac was about 4 inches shorter than my 5'11" but his equipment was impressive, about 9" hard and uncut. He lifted my face for a kiss as a hand grabbed my ass. I felt his hard inches rub against my cock exciting me more. I moaned. He knew that he'd won me over. We locked lips as we fell onto my futon. He used his legs to push mine open exposing me to his lust. Mac kissed down my body heading for my stiffness. Mac swallowed me to the base, his nose in my pubs. I moaned out loud "Please, please!" He moved up to my ear saying "Tell me, tell me what you want." I screamed "Take me! Fuck my virgin hole!" He asked "Do you want a condom? I know that I'm clean." By this point I didn't care telling him "Fill me up, you're my first. Give me all your cum!" Mac brought me to the edge many times over the next hour. But I knew that I wanted, no needed him to fill me. In a ragged voice he said "I want us to cum at the same time. I want your muscles to hold my throbbing dick as I fill you with my baby batter." That was all it took for both of us. I shot my cum coating our stomachs. This sent him to heaven as he filled me screaming my name. We lay there breathless. But he was still hard inside me. I could feel him flex his cock. He asked "Can you take more? I can cum again. You turn me on so much. All I want is your sweet ass." He was not kidding. He filled me two more times before we fell asleep in each others' arms. I woke to the smell of coffee and cooking bacon. He walked naked to the futon with a cup of coffee for me. He leaned in kissing my cheek saying "Morning sleepy head, I thought you might be hungry after last night. But first, I want to make love to you again. Yes, not fuck you but make love. You are the best one! I want to cherish each moment we make love no matter what the future holds." He did exactly that for another hour. We snacked on the bacon and each other until he had to return to base. He called from the base asking if I'd be working that night. He wanted a proper date and to make love to me one more time. That was the start of a 6 month romance until he was transferred to a base in Korea. I missed him but had the memory of our time. A year later I had left the job in the bar and was sitting at the bar enjoying an after work drink when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Mac in civilian clothes, he told me that his time was up in the service and now he had returned to where he's left his heart.

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