casino man...

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I walk into the casino,
I find my way to a game,
The room is cool,
But I'm hot.

I run for a drink,
I ordered something,
Tall and strong,
I head back.

I see you over there,
All dressed up,
In your puffer jacket,
You give me a look.

Your eyes say you want me,
Your body calls me to you,
I move toward you,
I touch you on the shoulder.

You look over at me,
I lean in and place my lips on yours,
You slip me your tongue,
My heart skips a beat.

My hand feels it,
The cool softness of the nylon,
It gets me hard,
We move away for a moment.

Your eyes say you want more,
I follow you as you lead me on,
We head to the men's restroom,
We enter you find a free stall.

You go in,
We kiss long and hard,
You fall to your knees,
You pull my dick out and suck on it.

You make me feel good,
You suck on my balls,
You play me good,
Like I'm you sex toy.

He finished me,
As cum exits my rod,
He mops it up,
And I fall to my knees.

As I fall his pants come down,
I take his manhood,
I began to suck it,
His sucker taste like joy.

I suck in the rod,
Then find his balls,
They taste sweet,
Like wine.

Then as he cums,
He pulls out,
He cums into the toilet,
Saving me the mess.

There he pushes me over,
And enters my ass,
He rides it like a bike,
I try not to say a word.

But I can't resist,
Fuck me harder I say,
He speeds up,
I moan as his pace makes me shiver.

This I return after a couple of minutes,
I play his ass like a guitar,
I make beautiful music with him,
He moans softly then loudly.

We fuck,
We lust,
We part ways,
Never to see each other again...
© Martin Meek 2019

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