love in another room

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Annabelle Smart throw open both sides of the gate and got back in the car. She let the gravel fly behind her as she made her way up the rocky drive way. She looked down at her watch and saw that she was two minutes late. She hoped with all her heart that her husband wasn't waiting for her. She made the long way to the door throw open her door and then slammed her car door just as fast. She moved like a bullet up to the door and there she opened it quitly and tip toed in. As she made it to the long flowing stair-case a voice came from behind her. Anabelle turned to see the madie looking at her with judging eyes
“He not here." Said the madie as she moved passed the lady of the house. She new what secrets Annabelle was keeping but it was none of her business. So she kept her lips sild and words non existed. Even though she judged in her mind.
Annabelle slid down to the steps and let out a long breath. She quitly thanked Jesus like a time before and know she sware not to be late again. She waited a long moment before picking herself up and walked up to her room. There at her door she found the doorknob with shacking hands. She pushed the door open and enters her waiting room. She walked inside and silently closed her bed room door. She fastly moved over to her closet there she opened it. She quickly searched and found a dress, one that Daniel Smart told her was his favorite. The dress was long and thin it clung to her and brought out all her best curves. The powder blue color of the dress brought out her eyes. When Daniel had brought it home as a gift she didn't know about the color. But she'd gotten more likes when she wear it then not. She slipped off her clothes and quickly replaced them with the dress. There she took a long look on the mirror. Then she herd foot step from behind her bedroom door. Annabelle took in a long breath and gathered her composer.
“Miss Smart is in her room." Came a voice from down the hall.
The door handle jiggled then turned and finally pushed open. And in walked a tall well put together man. His eyes sea green, his hair short and chocolate brown, and his chizled face showed not his age. He walks to her and placed his soft but cold hands on her shoulders. She tried not to shiver and she tried hard to keep her loud beating heart quite and steady.
“Baby, my love." Came into her right ear before he kissed her soft neck. He moved down ward to her sweet neck he kissed and nibbled on it like a sweet apple. He couldn't get enough of her he lusted over her when he could. But if he knew what she had been doing behind his back he'd kill her. He hated to share and his wife was his prized possession.
“Honey please, I have to finish getting ready." She said pushing away from Daniel. He pulled her back in a playful way. But she broke away and turned to look him in the eye. There she moved closer to him and gave him a kiss for the road. “I'll be down after I fix my makeup." She said leaving him in the bedroom as she walked to the master bathroom. There she closed the door and quickly made herself up. She applied eyes shadow, blush, and a light lipstick like she had to es before. As she finished she added a touch of her favorite perfume white diamonds. It was the perfume her father had given her on her sixteenth birthday. And she had been given a bottle of it ever scenes that day.
Annabelle reopen the door after ten minutes and found herself alone. Daniel had left her for his room they only slept together when he wanted her body. Some times Annabelle felt like a toy that Daniel played with from time to time. She loved how he let her come and go as she pleased. But he did have two rules Alway company him to business dinner and be there when he wanted sex. So far she had been there and would continue to be there as long as he wanted her. This was there arrangement long before they had married.
Daniel Andrew Smart was a business man and he operated like one. When he was at work Annabelle had the run. And when he was away she did as she pleased. But she new she could not make a fool of Daniel of that would be the end of there agreement.

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