Lust's Garden... a poem

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We walk into the garden,
And planted a tree,
But no fruit do we bear,
For this is a one-night stand,
I kiss your neck soft and wet,
I trail down to your breast
There I find pillowy clouds,
Awaiting my lips of warmth,
I take a nipple and suck softly,
You moan gently and softly,
Your sent is everywhere,
Like a fresh apple blossom,
Your sent dances on the wind,
It feels me up like night in a garden,
I trail to your waiting womanhood,
The heart of the garden awaits me,
The brook waits to be broken,
Like awaiting damn,
Your pleasure rings out like passion,
This is sweet lust on the vine,
Ripe for the picking and tasting,
Moment's pass on and on,
Then the brook brakes upon me,
I drink from the freshness of you,
I drink deeply in you passion,
As you climax on.

...the end...

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