|| 33 : Macabre ||

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oh my godddd it's been a year what!!!!!! time flies when you're dumb :] fr tho sorry y'all 


God had already returned to the heavens, its message had been delivered.

"I can't believe something such as you was even forgiven." William sneered, and Sebastian laughed.

"Careful now, Mr. Spears. I am undoubtedly not a demon anymore." Sebastian smirked.

William clicked his tongue, and Madame Macabre spoke up.

"Right. This is the first time in history a demon has ever been absolved of its sins. I'll have to document this thoroughly."

She took time to examine Sebastian closely and test his abilities, making sure to take detailed notes for the management department.

"And... I suppose we'll have to tie this whole thing together, so I can finish my case report."

Sebastian hummed in agreement, while the rest of the entities [and Ciel] nodded along.

Madame Macabre's Incident Report.

Soul shattered successfully. No other reported injuries. Reaper temp workers have been dispatched to trim the cinematic records of attendees and other witnesses. Overall, grade A. Minimal disruption to life.

Other Notes :

The Superior and entourage intervened due to the presence of demon, titled Sebastian Michaelis (see file)

After the successful reduction of the soul into fragments, they were collected and promptly sent to the Upper Offices

Human witnesses lost consciousness and were marked accordingly for cinematic record trimming

The demon Michaelis was absolved of sin by the Superior - first case in history!

As she wrote, graceful script manifested on the page in beautiful golden ink.

Note from the Upper Office :

" My dear child was in great suffering. For all of time he has repented, and he has found the end of darkness, returning to the light of salvation. For love, love and hope, dreams, are the foundation of all the world's goodness.

What the boy has become now must be a hot topic of discussion for you, my dear children. With the light returned to his body, it has created within him a soul. That is to say, he is effectively human, although perhaps a bit unorthodox. He retains his holy powers, but must never use them to harm, lest he return to the abyss of sin."

With that having been written, she closed the case. Grelle and Macabre walked side by side as they left the harrowed cathedral, which was in clear need of repair. The two women conversed excitedly, until they paused to wait for Will, left behind to delegate the arriving temp Reapers. Grelle sighed as she looked back.

"Perhaps, now, I'll leave my dear Bassy alone," She said, forlorn. Mme Macabre shot her a questioning look.

"A man in love- and doubly so a man declawed, stripped of his danger-!" She stopped, turning away from the judgemental stare of her companion, "...Does not tickle my fancy."

Macabre just sighed, switching to speak in her native tongue. "Mademoiselle Grelle, tu es sérieux? Quand je te vois, j'ai mal à la tête. Ton collègue t'aime. C'est évident!"

Grelle groaned, trying to comprehend. "You know I didn't pay attention during international Reaper studies! I didn't learn French, I cheated off Will!"

Mme. Macabre laughed and whispered under her breath. "Ce folle fille..."

Suddenly, William himself, having heard the comment about "your coworker loves you", advanced quickly towards the women. He sent a thousand prayers in his heart to the God up above, thanking Him for making Grelle so absent-minded, dense, and bad at French. He pushed his glasses up, flustered.

"Madame Macabre."

The thin woman only laughed and walked away, leaving the two alone. She was looking forward to watching the new office romance unfold, and returning to her lover to tell her all about this adventure.

Thus, the reapers returned back to HQ. Mission complete.  


 i wanted to apologize for misgendering Grelle in the previous chapters. ill go back and fix it sometime soon. 

i might edit this story too just to make it flow a bit better and give it more angsty stuff, especially in the Sebastian nightmare chapter woooo 

the philosophy stuff that the god in this fic says are kinda just stuff i slapped in there btw, im not religious at all so theres that


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