= 21 : Elizabeth =

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Bleh I went to China for 5 days so that's my explanation for a late update. However, I have 3 chapters for today.

Elizabeth sat in a room in an inn. Her body felt like it was aflame. Her reflection was horrid- not cute at all! Suddenly, the woman who had been taking care of her for the past days entered. She was accompanied by a man in a white coat with a black tie. He had on spectacles and his straight black hair lay tousled on his head. But his eyes, the same yellow-green as the woman.

"Lizzy, this is Doctor Alexander Fang. He's here to see you." The woman, Madame Macabre, said quietly.

"Good afternoon, my lady. Now, I hear you have a fever and you feel dizzy constantly, so will you allow me to examine you?" Dr. Fang asked, reaching out a gloved hand.

"Of course." Lizzy croaked.

"Very well then.", he clapped, taking out a small wooden device with a magnifying lense, "Shall we have a look?"

Lizzy's irises had shifted from a shade of rich green to a sickly purple. Her hair was becoming thin and lighter, almost white but slightly blue tinged. Her back ached, and her skin was turning a shade lighter. It was like she was turning into a whole different person.

"Ah, I believe I've seen enough. Miss Macabre, may I speak with you outside?" The doctor said, and left with the tall woman.

When she returned, she looked at Elizabeth in sadness, but smiled.

"It will be alright, dear."

"Now sleep."

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now