// 29 : Ciel //

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CW : Brief, graphic description of death.
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"I can assure you I do not wish any harm upon you, Ciel Phantomhive." Ash said as if he could read his thoughts.

Ciel blushed in embarrassment, looking to the ground. "I apologize."

"No need. Celeste Macabre, I am here to supervise your soul destruction." He replied.

"Soul destruction?" Sebastian whispered to himself.

"I'm afraid I've been deceiving you. I am, in actuality, not part of the Collections Department . Please forgive me," Macabre bowed.

"So you were part of the Terminations Department this whole time... you were planning to shatter Elizabeth's soul from the beginning." Sebastian said.

The Madame only nodded solemnly.

"When a soul becomes warped and twisted after many stages of reincarnation, it must be shattered and reforged by the heavens." Ash explained, seemingly for Ciel.

"But... Lizzy... she isn't damaged. I'm more warped than she is! Why must you destroy her soul?" Ciel shouted, after all he still loved his cousin.

Grelle huffed. "A soul too full of unconditional love is dangerous. With just a bit of a push, the girl will slay her own kin for you! How brutal. It's almost admirable."

"That's my fault, not hers!" Ciel yelled back.

"No, unfortunately, it's in her nature. I've followed cases like hers for decades. They never end well. I can tell this soul has been a reaper at least three times in the past century. The cycle must stop here." Madame Macabre said, tone filled with regret.

"A large majority of reapers became reapers due to that thing... love." William mumbled.

"Love... is a wonderful thing! Of course it could be ruinous, but why should you have to completely destroy a soul because of it!" Ciel said desperately.

"Ciel Phantomhive, understand that her soul will not be completely destroyed. We will take the shards of her soul and forge them into a new one. She will not cease to exist in your memories either."

Ciel ignored Ash, instead thinking of ways to convince the angel that Elizabeth was worth keeping alive. Desperately trying to think of a single reason, he found he couldn't. Every reason he thought of was countered by the fact that most, or all of the things she had done were her decision. Her choices, but influenced.

"Tell me, what exactly did you do to her? How did you manipulate her?" Ciel asked.

"I did not manipulate her, Ciel Phantomhive. This servant only entered her body to observe firsthand what she would do." Ash said calmly.

A sinking feeling consumed Ciel. So Elizabeth really could not be saved? A single tear fell from his eye.

"Then it must be done."

Ash smiled kindly. "You will be rewarded for your actions, Ciel Phantomhive."

The angel turned to Madame Macabre. He nodded sadly.

She slowly raised her scythe above her head and brought it down onto Elizabeth. Ciel shut his eyes, but the rest of his senses made up for the lack of sight. He heard a grotesque noise of ripping flesh and cracking bones, along with a shrill scream. A heavy scent of blood filled the room. He almost vomited until he heard Sebastian's calm voice.

"Ciel. I am still here with you." Sebastian said as he wrapped his arms around him.

Ciel buried his face in Sebastian's arms, letting himself cry a bit. Sebastian said nothing, only tightening his embrace.

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