× 3 : Sebastian ×

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Red. His mindset was stained. Red. Since the butler had never dreamed before, this was all too real for him. He was sitting in the front pew of the church, watching Ciel marry the ever irritating Elizabeth. Rage was all he felt as he watched the pair's lips connect, and Ciel smiling fondly at his new wife. He wanted to scream, to kill, to burn this whole place and steal Ciel away. But he sat in the pew, forcing himself to remain composed. After all, many important businessmen who had dealings in the Funtom company were present. He didn't want to embarrass his master, so he sat in silent rage. The ceremony was over, so he opened the chapel doors for the newlyweds. A quiet "My lord" escaped his lips as Ciel passed him without even a glance. This hurt Sebastian more than any blade ever could, his heart ached. Exiting the chapel, he sat in the front of the carriage which carried the couple. He sighed and urged the horses into a steady gallop, headed for the Phantomhive estate. Once they got there, Ciel stopped him before he entered.

"Sebastian. This is an order. Do not come near me, the estate, or my wife unless called. Go find somewhere else to live. Elizabeth doesn't like your presence." He said coldly, as if his veins were filled with ice.

For Sebastian, this was like a stab to the gut. He felt as if he would die. He let out a pitiful sound, a whimper.

"Yes my lord." He said breathlessly, voice even quieter than a whisper, barely registering as a sound.

He slowly walked away from the estate, leaving behind his master, the one he had served for eight years now. There was only one option left in his head. He walked until nightfall, and suddenly saw someone he had hoped to run into. William, the reaper that had always been insulting him for being a demon.

"My, if it isn't Sebastian. The lowly demon." He said, voice as cold as usual.

"I have a request. Kill me." Sebastian said, emotion unevident in his voice.

"What?," William was taken aback, "Well, you are in the top 500 on the To Die list..."

"I said kill me." Sebastian sternly said.

"Very well, but are you sure you want to die just yet? What about Cie-"

"KILL ME!" Sebastian screamed, a tear running down his cheek. His voice showed pure grief.

"... I understand." William responded quietly.

It all happened in a quick moment, suddenly, he was impaled by the weapon always carried by William, blood spurting out of his mouth and chest. He coughed slightly, before breathing raspily. Red. Red stained his clothes as it had stained his mind earlier, and his memories surrounded him.

I have always cared for the young master. In the beginning, I thought of him as a brat, but I began to care more for him, but I was still not sure of my feelings for him. Is it love? Do I desire just his soul, or something more? I decided too late. He is married now, and he cast me away. I realized I didn't want his soul, I wanted his love, I wanted him. I love him. I would rather die than see him with someone else.

William's eyes were wide. His memories faded away, and his final words slipped from his lips.

"I am sorry, Ciel." He whispered, breaking one of his personal rules of being a butler.


His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now