// 2 : Ciel //

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A single blue eye peered out the window of Ciel Phantomhive's study, overlooking the entrance to the estate. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern. Sebastian had not returned since morning tea, and it was past afternoon tea, which he had missed. The butler was not often late, and was notoriously punctual about time. It was incredibly unusual to have Sebastian absent from tea time, and it was enough to pull Ciel from his work and get him to pace nervously around his study. He decided he needed a break, so he sighed and headed towards the back of the estate. The garden.

The white rose bushes were his favorite part of the garden, and he went to observe them whenever his work got the better of him. Needless to say, he was shocked when he found his butler, a demon who never sleeps, napping among the rose bushes. His eye widened and he called out to the pale ravenette.

"Sebastian!" His voice rang out, cutting through the chilly spring wind.

Ciel reached the sleeping body of his servant and sighed, calling his name again, but Sebastian only stirred and grunted. A quiet "My lord" escaped the demon's lips as Ciel carried him bridal style back into the manor.

"You're always going on about what kind of butler would you be if you couldn't do this and that, and yet you fall asleep and miss afternoon tea, something even an idiot butler like Grell wouldn't do." Ciel scolded the sleeping man, who whimpered in his sleep.

Ciel's eye widened. He had never heard the butler even wince before, and now he's whimpering? He sighed, removed Sebastian's shoes and laid him down on his bed, deciding to do his work in his bedroom so he could look after his loyal servant. Even if working while in his bedroom was an improper business practice, he couldn't help but worry about Sebastian. In all the years Sebastian has been by his side, never had he slept, or even closed his eyes longer than a minute. He was always keeping a watchful eye over Ciel, and the least he could do for him would be to watch him at this moment of vulnerability. He was certain when Sebastian woke up he would be deeply apologetic, so he prepared himself to forgive him over and over.

However, the esteemed butler of the Ciel Phantomhive did not wake that day. Ciel checked the clock. Five after ten, he read, and sighed, undressing himself, buttoning up his night shirt, and poorly attempting to fold his clothes. Looking towards Sebastian, his eyes softened and he partially undressed him, removing his tailcoat and shirt. He laid beside his butler, and, in a moment of tenderness, embraced him.

"Sebastian..." Came a whisper from the master.

"Master..." Came a low whisper from the demon.

Ciel held his butler tighter. His heart was filled with care for the ravenette laying besides him, and all he could do was smile at the warmth of his butler's resting body and his slow, quiet breaths.

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now