× 15 : Sebastian ×

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Sebastian caught the scent of something dark and ominous at the manor. There was a trespasser in the Phantomhive estate, and whoever or whatever it was had something to do with the underworld. He headed towards Ciel's bedroom to wake him.

"Young master." he whispered.

"Sebastian?" Ciel asked, drowsy.

"There is someone in the manor... I sense something dark."

"Perhaps Grelle, or maybe the Undertaker here for something..." The Faustian contract he made with Ciel stared back at him, glassy, and gazing downward.

He remembered when he had made the contract with Ciel and almost felt guilty, remembering how shaken the boy was, trembling, but still shouting for his own good, taking a demon's hand in spite of his judgment. Now that he felt the way he did, if he could go back he would have tried to be more gentle. But back to the present.

"No... it's not them, this sense is unfamiliar." the butler said quietly. He continued. "Please come with me, young master. I won't let any malevolent force harm you while in my care."

"Isn't that just because you want my soul?" Ciel whispered, but went with Sebastian anyway.

They travelled to the kitchen, where the quad of servants chatted idly by.

"Oh, Mister Sebastian!" Mey-Rin said happily, waving.

"And the young master. What are you two doing 'ere, in the kitchen this early?" Baldo asked, while lighting his cigarette.

"Alright, listen, everyone. There is an intruder on Phantomhive soil. Please watch after the young master whilst I deal with the problem." Sebastian ordered.

The maid, the chef, and the gardener nodded hastily while Tanaka let out a 'hoh, hoh ho,' and rushed to protect the Earl.

"Don't worry, young master! You're under our protection!" Finney said.

"When I return, I promise I will see to the morning tea my lord." The butler said, and turned to leave.

"Be careful, Sebastian." He heard the boy whisper before he left.

That caused the demon to smile, not a cruel one, but a purehearted smile. Now, he thought, time to deal with this intruder.

Sebastian surveyed the land for intruders, and at the main gate met with a strange woman.

"Good morning," He said politely, "What business do you have here?"

She turned to him, and surprise formed in her green eyes.

"Oh, a demon? Never thought I see one playing a butler."

"If I may, are you a reaper?" The butler asked.

"Yes, of course. May I speak with the head of this residence inside?" She requested. Her voice was stained with a slight French twinge, leading Sebastian to believe she lived in France when she was a human, then moving to England and adapting to the English environment.

"As long as I am assured you are not a threat. I do have an active contract with the young lord."

"Rest assured, I have not brought my death scythe with me. However, I am in active duty." She informed him.

"Ah, alright then. I will escort you inside, lady..?"


Sebastian led the woman to the parlor on the second floor, and went to the kitchen to collect Ciel. He dressed him in a dark shade of blue, and led him to the parlor as well, bringing along his silver cart with the morning's tea waiting to be prepared.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Macabre. My butler has informed me of your position as a reaper." He said, as Sebastian began to prepare the tea.

"Yes, I am currently in active duty. However, your soul belongs to him, so I have not come for collection."

Sebastian waited until the lady was done speaking.

"For today's tea we have a Japanese tea, temomi shincha, a hand-rolled seasonal import. It is rare, made from only the finest hand-picked leaves and by the most skilled artisans. Since it is quite the delicacy, I have not paired it with anything, however, if you request something, I shall prepare it to the best of my ability."

"You are quite dedicated to playing the butler role well." The reaper said lightly.

"Yes, I am one devil of a butler." He replied, a bit of playfulness evident in his tone. "I will excuse myself now."

Sebastian stood outside to the side of the door, waiting patiently for the meeting to be over. Finally, the reaper and the earl left the room. The female excused herself and left the manor.

"If I may, my lord, what did she want to discuss?"

"She wanted to tell me that Elizabeth asked her to mend our relationship." Ciel responded.

Sebastian internally groaned at the sound of Ciel saying that girl's name, but he thought.

"Lady Elizabeth may be soon killed. A reaper is more visible to humans the closer they are to death. You can see them well, my lord, because your contract with me is 'like having one foot in the coffin already', as a reaper from Germany once said on the matter." Sebastian reasoned.

"Then if she dies, it's all in the natural order of things. I am not going to ask you to intervene."

The demon butler smiled wide.

"Yes, my lord." 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now