|| 22 : Macabre ||

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Madame Macabre stood silently outside the inn room where Elizabeth Midford slept. She recalled what her dear friend Alexander Fang from the Forensics Department told her. 

"No doubt. This is an extremely rare case of angelic possession." 

An angel was trying to invade Lizzy's body. But why? Amelie couldn't possibly fathom why. The wedding was now a day and a half away, and Elizabeth was bedridden. However, perhaps it will give the Phantomhive boy and the demon more time to find their feelings for each other. To her surprise, she heard a creak as the door opened. Elizabeth stood, smiling, her eyes a burning pink, the rest of her body back to normal. 

"I'm feeling better now, Miss Macabre. Can we go get my dress, please? I want to look super cute for the wedding!" Macabre squinted. There was no change in her speech and personality, but her eyes. Those were a concern. 

"Of course, my lady. Shall I escort you to the tailor shop?" She asked, and led Elizabeth to the Hopkins Tailor storefront.

Once the energetic tailor had stolen the girl away, Amelie turned. "May I use your telephone?" She requested from one of the assistants.

She called Fang, and waited until she heard his voice.


"Fang, something happened." 

"What now?" He asked.

"The girl has gone back to normal, however a concerning notion is that her eyes are now pink, bright and vibrant as the blazing morning sun." She noted.

"I'm educating myself on angelic possession myself. Usually means the Superior has big plans for the person, or has plans for someone around them. Let's see... bright pink eyes..." Amelie heard the flipping of pages, seriously, what a nerd.  



"There's nothing here about that- no one has ever survived an angelic attack. The only reported survivor is a contractor, one who had summoned a demon."

"How peculiar. I'll keep you updated." She said, and hung up. 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now