× 27 : Sebastian ×

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notes are at the end, dear readers. 

Carefully setting down his young master, Sebastian turned to glare at the woman armed with a sword.

"Elizabeth! Stop this at once!" He heard Francis Midford shout at her.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! " Elizabeth shouted in response, charging at her mother before Sebastian stopped her.

"My lady, please calm yourself!" Sebastian exclaimed.

Elizabeth aimed a powerful blow to the demon's head, but he dodged it and flipped backwards towards Ciel.

"Your orders, young master?" Sebastian said.

"Get the servants over here, and then deal with Elizabeth, any way possible."

"May I dispose of her, or would you prefer a non lethal solution?" The butler responded.

"Given the situation, just subdue her. You wouldn't want to kill a noble in front of so many other high-ranking people." Ciel clarified, and the butler went to fetch the maid, footman, chef and former butler.

The servants understood when the butler gave a single, silent crimson glance, and followed him through the chaos to the young master, who was now taking cover behind a pew.

"Listen closely, you five. Snake, Mey-Rin, Tanaka, you will evacuate the attendees. If Elizabeth tries to stop you, send one person to defend. Baldo, Finney, you help Sebastian in subduing Elizabeth. Make sure she doesn't go after the people evacuating. If you need help, get Ran-Mao and Lau. Now go!"

"Yes, my Lord!" "... says Oscar."

With their roles assigned, the servants shot into action. Sebastian propelled himself off a pew and aimed a kick towards the lady, distracting her long enough so Finney could throw a pew at her, however his throw turned up short. Baldo shot at her from the back, but Elizabeth parried the bullets with her swordsmanship and ran after him. Sebastian stopped her pursuit with three Phantomhive butter knives. Armed with a knife he began to jab at her, but Elizabeth expertly blocked his attacks. Finney lobbed another pew at her, which managed to knock her to the floor.

"Allow me to assist you!" Shouted Madame Macabre, emerging from the back of the church with a vial.

She helped Baldo push the pew onto Elizabeth, and recited something in Latin before splashing Elizabeth with the liquid. Elizabeth hissed at the contact, trying to wipe it off her face. She tried to push the bench off her, but her strength seemed to be gone.

"LET ME GO! LET ME KILL HIM!" She shouted.

Ciel approached carefully, a gun hidden in his coat just in case.

"Sebastian, what do you think happened?" Ciel asked.

"She reeks of the scent of an angel, most likely angelic possession."

"An angel?" He said, astonished.

"Yes, it may be hard to believe, but notice the hue of her irises." Sebastian said, gesturing to the struggling Elizabeth.

"You're right about that. I have a friend in forensics who confirmed the fact for me. However, he and I do not understand the circumstances." Macabre said, walking up to the demon and contractor.

"What did you restrain her with?" Ciel asked.

"Ah, just some holy water. Funny to think it'd weaken angels, but the holy power trumps all apparently," She joked a bit.

"Now, what's all this occult stuff? Never thought you the type." Baldo said.

"Ah, I forgot you were here. Please ignore that." Sebastian smiled.

Macabre glared at the stained glass windows, apparently sensing something. Sebastian's eyes widened. He realized why the reaper was glaring.

"Oh dear, everyone duck!" Macabre yelled.

The panicked servants all complied while Sebastian grabbed Ciel and turned his back to the windows.

Sebastian heard the shattering of glass and the growl of a very specific weapon. Then a crazed voice, and a strong scent of rose perfume.


A/N :

I am so sorry. I have really no excuse for disappearing for a year without warning. I will finish this story. The updates will be irregular but they will happen.

This story will not be abandoned for any longer. 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now