Resolution; Pt. 2

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In an inherited mansion from antiquity, a tall dark-haired man clad in all black paced the floors. His scarlet eyes picked apart the foyer. Everything had to be perfect.

A posh laugh came from behind him as a hand was placed on his shoulder. The man clad in black turned around to see a politely laughing gentleman. By his side was a seemingly grumpy man, with his arm slung around the other. The laughing man's golden eyes regarded the pacing man with amusement. 

"You've checked this room about twenty times already, Sebastian." Vincent Phantomhive said with a breezy laugh.

"Come on, mole. You know it is much better than to check twenty times than to not check at all," Diederich Phantomhive clearly had differing opinions from his husband.

Sebastian could only laugh nervously as he checked the time on his phone.

"He's kinda... late, right?"

"He's two minutes late, Sebastian. Relax. Breathe. You do remember how to do that, right?" Vincent teased.

"Is everyone else ready?" Sebastian asked, and the couple nodded.

"They're a noisy bunch, the lot of them. That one guy, Soma, is practically vibrating in his seat. Finney and Mey-Rin aren't much better. And that woman, Grelle, I think? She keeps crying, she's so happy. But her husband... that guy with the glasses, seems to be getting impatient. If Ciel's too late I think we're gonna witness a divorce."

Diederich's commentary on some of the attendees calmed Sebastian a little bit.

"So it's not just me who's on the verge of exploding from nerves," He sighed.

Suddenly, Bard rushed into the hall.

"I see Ciel's car! He's almost 'ere!"

"We should be joining the rest of them, then. Come along, my dear husband!" Vincent said, slapping Diederich on the back.

The three were just about to leave before Vincent paused.

"Oh, and Sebastian? Good luck, my boy."

After a bit of psyching himself up, Sebastian was ready. Ciel opened the door.

"I'm home!" He said, and beamed.

"Welcome back, Ciel," Sebastian smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Oh, wow! This is all for me?" Ciel said, looking around the heavily decorated foyer with excitement.

"Of course, it's your birthday!"

Ciel smiled. Clearly, he was trying to overwrite the memory of a certain tenth birthday he had suffered through a lifetime ago.

"SURPRISE!" The sudden shout came from the second-floor landing, where everyone flooded out, racing down the stairs.

"Happy birthday, Ciel!" They all cheered, as the Phantomhive picked out all recognizable people (and snakes, of course.)

"Come into the dining hall, Agni and Sebastian have been preparing food since 5 AM!" Mey-Rin exclaimed, guiding him deeper into his home.

"I helped decorate, Ciel!" Soma yelled proudly.

"We all did... says Oscar," Snake said.

Surrounded by his friends and family from a life already once lived, Ciel could only sigh contently.

"I'm truly blessed to have you all here today. I... I don't even know what to say, I'm just so grateful for you all," Ciel said, flushing with embarrassment at the affectionate comment. 

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