// 13 : Ciel //

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I made a mistakeeeee - this is a ciel chapter, not a sebby one

Ciel Phantomhive hung his head in disappointment. After a whole fifteen minutes, he was still embarrassed by what had happened before. He discovered Finney was the one who accidentally sent the stone flying, and was cursing the gardener's name right now. He wondered why he was so flustered by the simple accident, and he began to question his own being. Am I a homosexual? He thought, but swatted that thought away. No way was the Earl Phantomhive, the Queen's Watchdog, Ruler of the Criminal Underworld, homosexual, loving men. He refused to believe it. However, further thinking, he realized it was very well possible. It explained why he didn't wish to marry Elizabeth and why he kept Sebastian by his side all these years. He sighed, and stared blankly at the paper in front of him. There was no way he could work in this position, when he was so distracted, so he decided to head to the garden for a breath of fresh air.

While in the hallway heading to the garden, the young master encountered a dejected-looking Elizabeth Midford. She looked as if she had been crying, evident from the redness of the skin around her eyes, suggesting she had been wiping them. Her emerald eyes made contact with Ciel's single ocean blue one, and she looked away.

"Lizzy, are you okay?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk to you right now, Phantomhive." She said, with a hint of venom staining her speech.

Ciel was taken aback by the young woman's way of addressing him. Phantomhive? Lizzy had never called him that before. In fact, he was a bit angry.

"Excuse me? What's wrong with you today? First, you snap at Sebastian and now me? Do you know what respect is?" Ciel said, with a dash of irritation evident in his tone.

"Can you shut up about Sebastian!? Every damn time I come over you and Sebastian are always plotting something together or talking to each other! It's like you don't even love me Ciel, and in fact, it's obvious you and him are homosexuals! WHY DON'T YOU GO FIND SEBASTIAN, HUH CIEL!? WHY ARE YOU MESSING AROUND WITH ME!?" Lizzy snapped, shouting and stamping her foot down on the floor. She was in complete tantrum mode now.

"BE QUIET! I WILL CALL HIM YOU INGRATE! SEBASTIAN!" Ciel shouted, and Sebastian appeared.

"Young master, what is the matter?" The butler asked patiently.

"Get this woman out of my sight." said Ciel, with an icy cold glare. 

A small, menacing laugh.

"Yes, my lord."

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now