// 8 : Ciel //

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sorry if this is bad i wrote it in english secretly hehe 

Ciel's cold sapphire eyes pierced Elizabeth's jade ones. Ciel was trying to make conversation, but it was not going well. Apparently he was coming off as too intense, even for Elizabeth. He sighed, and looked to the garden. The white roses were blooming, and he recalled the events of yesterday, when he had found Sebastian laying amongst the flowers. Indeed, at that moment he was even more beautiful than the roses... Ciel found himself thinking before throwing that thought away. Elizabeth stood up.

"Ciel! I want to go to the garden." the blonde said.

Ciel groaned. Her bright, horrible pink dress would take away from the serene scene of the garden, however he had to please her somehow.

"Alright, then. Follow me." He said, and led her to the garden.

Elizabeth frolicked around the garden, giggling and laughing all the while. Ciel simply stared at her and smiled, imagining her tripping and falling on her face. He wasn't sadistic necessarily, he just had an immature sense of humor. Suddenly, Sebastian appeared behind him.

"Sorry to bother you, my lord, but lunch has been prepared." Sebastian said politely.

Ciel knew demons didn't feel much, but, for some reason, the butler's crimson eyes looked... lonely. As well as jealousy, and... another component he couldn't recognize.

"Right. Can you please fetch Elizabeth for me? I'll wait in the dining hall."

"Of course, my lord." The ravenette said, before going to get Elizabeth.

As soon as the butler turned his back, Ciel smirked. This will be interesting. He thought, and headed back into the manor. Soon after, Elizabeth and Sebastian entered. The butler sat Elizabeth down next to Ciel, and began to recite the menu.

The polite voice of the Phantomhive butler echoed through the room as he finished his small speech. Elizabeth turned to Ciel, and began to chat with him. Ciel smirked. Time to test my theory.

"Please excuse me. I need to head to the washroom." Ciel said politely, while standing up.

Ciel left the room, standing keenly outside the door. He heard talking that turned to yelling. Oh dear. Ciel stepped back in.

"Lady Elizabeth, I can't even call you a lady with your horrible table manners! Certainly the reason you like pink is because you are, frankly, a pig!"

"EXCUSE ME?! The way you dress is like a DISGUSTING RAVEN! Don't chastise me for dressing like a nice young lady!"

"OH, a NICE YOUNG LADY is something you are not! Your voice makes me want to slice my ears off! NICE? Nice like the time when you shattered the young master's RING!?"

"Sebastian." Ciel finally said.

"I'm sorry my lo-"

"It's quite alright. Come with me." 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now