Intermission 1

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Thank you for that, Vincent

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Thank you for that, Vincent. Today's chapter is an intermission due to state testing on my part. This week has been study-oriented for me, so I haven't had much time to prepare a full chapter. However, I have seen to the preparation of a character file and description for Madame Macabre as well as some extras. Please enjoy this short intermission before the story continues.

-  smol-asian

Madame Macabre.

Full name : Amelie Macabre-Delacroix

Birthdate to Death-date : Nov. 9 1761 - February 14, 1789

Backstory : Amelie was the eldest daughter of the struggling Macabre family. She was incredibly beautiful and as a result of that beauty, was sold into marriage with the second son of the Delacroix family, who were French aristocrats. Although the marriage was arranged, she soon fell in love with her partner, though he did not reciprocate these feelings. Hurt turned to despair as she uncovered her husband was having an affair with a woman named Celeste, who also hailed from a struggling family. She confronted Celeste, who in return also was enraged by the young man's actions. Amelie again found herself in love, except this time it was mutual and with a person of the same gender as she. Celes and Amelie decided they were better off dead and committed suicide together, jumping from the tall roof of a cathedral on Valentine's. They were brought back as reapers and graduated in March of 1789. Amelie was first referred to Collections and Celes was referred to General Affairs. A month later, Amelie saw to the collection of her ex-husband's soul, due to the French revolution.

Here is a scrapped/future chapter that I wrote while bored in English!

Ciel thrust his sword towards Sebastian, who only smirked and dodged it with a flourish. Sebastian took his own sword and attacked the young master. The blow narrowly missed him. Ciel clicked his tongue in irritation, and aimed his sword straight towards Sebastian's heart. Sebastian again smirked and used this moment of irritability to strike, straight for Ciel's chest piece. Again, the demon butler had won the fencing match. Ciel sighed in defeat.

"You win again, Sebastian." he said coldly. Sebastian sighed.

"You're getting better, young master, but if you are going to add emotion into the mix, then you will lose every time." he responded with a disappointed expression.

My lord is too obsessed with trying to beat me, when really, he should be focused on improving his skills beforehand. Hopefully, the young master will realize it soon. Sebastian thought.

"My lord, I will be taking my leave now. It is time to prepare for dinner." The butler said coolly.

"Alright, Sebastian. Go ahead. I will be in my study when you wish to call me." The boy began to walk away, leaving the door ajar for Sebastian.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian bowed, and traveled towards the kitchen, hoping the servant foursome hadn't wrecked the kitchen.

Finney, Mey-Rin, and Bard had been surprisingly on task, making the butler suspicious. Were they planning something for the wedding? He scowled. He had found himself thinking of the wedding again, even though he vowed to forget about it. Just thinking of his master and that blonde brat being wed made his blood boil. Thinking of their lips touching made him want to shower his imaginary chapel in red. His silent rage had been building with Elizabeth staying at the manor these past few days, and he was becoming dangerously angry. To keep his mind off of the upcoming wedding, he began to make dinner, as one of his prides of being a butler meant that he had to always be punctual and on time with tea times and dining.

-- I want to include more of the servants in this story, but I can seem to fit them into the story! AAa--

One small thing I need a response to- Would you all be alright with me including some Vincent x Diederich? It won't be for nothing, of course, it will help develop the plot, but I would like to ask you all before I include it.

Thank you all, Vincent, would you like to say something?

Thank you all, Vincent, would you like to say something?

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