× 25 : Sebastian ×

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Sebastian Michaelis, the esteemed demon butler, stood in a church conversing casually with his young master, Ciel Phantomhive. The events of the other day were still fresh on his mind, and on his body, he was still sore. Shifting his weight between his legs, he tried to bear standing for a bit longer, after all, he was speaking to Ciel. The earl that he loved, who recently confessed. 

The holiness of the church took away his powers, making him more or less human. He worried that if something were to happen on the wedding day as the reaper, Macabre, had suggested, then he would be unable to protect the young master. That was unacceptable for a servant of Phantomhive. He voiced his concerns to Ciel, who started to plan the moving of the venue to the courtyard behind the chapel. Just as they were reaching a reasonable solution, there came the Midford brat. 

"Ciel! You are looking handsome as always!" She exclaimed happily, reaching for a hug. 

Sebastian felt a bit of glee seeing his young master dodge the embrace. "Ah. Hello, Elizabeth." 

"Aren't you excited? We're getting married tomorrow!" Sebastian rolled his crimson eyes. Her tone annoyed him so. 

As Ciel gave a quick response, they continued their discussion as if Elizabeth had not rudely interrupted. Sebastian almost laughed at the malcontent face of Elizabeth, when the priest called attention. The butler then moved to the back of the church near the doors. 

He allowed himself to lean against the wall, observing his master closely. He noticed the pained expression during his 'I do' and smiled a little, joyful knowing that Ciel truly did reciprocate his feelings. The attendees dispersed, and the earl rejoined his butler at the entrance. 

"Young master, what do you-" He was interrupted. 

"Sebastian, come with me to my study when we reach the manor. Understand?" Ciel said, sapphire eye staring intently at Sebastian. 

"Understood, yes, my lord."

Once they had returned, the loyal butler followed his master to his study, where just yesterday they kissed for the first time. As soon as the door was shut, Ciel hugged Sebastian tightly. 

"I don't want to marry that girl. I'm going to say no. I have to!" He shouted, squeezing tighter. 

"Young master, you can't reject her in front of all those people, you have to divorce later!" The butler yelled back. 

"I told you to call me Ciel when we're alone. Plus, I just can't say that. I can't. I'll have to kiss her and... I don't want to!" Ciel proclaimed. 

Sebastian pulled the hysterical Ciel off him, staring eye to eye with his master. 

"You have to, Ciel. Your future depends on it." Sebastian said, his voice sounding like he was about to cry.

"But I love you. I love you, Sebastian. Not her. I love you more than anyone else. I can't stand to even think of kissing her, of saying I do." Ciel said, a tear falling from his eye. 

That's what broke Sebastian. Even for his demonic self, the love he shared with Ciel was too much. He did the impossible- he cried. Suddenly, tears just started streaming down his pale face. 

"I love you. I love you so much I can't take it, I want to protect you." He said, voice trembling with heartache and sorrow. 

Ciel began to cry, too. "Let me say no. You know very well we both can't stand the idea of me even being married to her for a second."

Sebastian felt like his heart was being crushed. He couldn't breathe through all the tears. He loved him too much. 

"Fine. Say no. We can run away together. We'll find something out. I love you, I love you so much. Even if I have to feel the pain of a million death scythes, I'll stay with you." Sebastian said. 

"Even if I have to go through the same torture I felt as a child daily, I'll follow you for eternity. I love you, Sebastian!" He exclaimed, pulling his butler, a homosexual, into a deep kiss. 

The wedding was fast approaching, so fast you could almost hear the bells ringing. 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now