× 5 : Sebastian ×

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Early update because of fanfiction club @ school.

Sebastian Michealis cursed under his breath, speedwalking towards the kitchen. The mere precense of Elizabeth had irritated him. Why did she have to show up on this splendid day, where it could just be him and the young master? Especially after that moment of tenderness they had shared. The cold and closed-off Ciel had hugged him- hugged him for God's sake, and he was just supposed to sit there and let Elizabeth, some blonde brat that Ciel wouldn't even spare a passing glance at, marry him? How disgusting, he thought as he prepared a classic English breakfast for his master and the scum that was currently clinging to him.

The silver cart used to transport the freshly-cooked breakfast was practically sparkling in the morning sun. Sebastian began to recite the menu for the day, while picking up the silver teapot and pouring Ciel a cup of tea. He turned to Elizabeth.

"My lady, would you like a cup as well?" He asked, internally groaning at his own politeness essential to being a butler. She grinned.

"Of course I would! Since Ciel likes this so much, I think I should try, since I am his future wife." She said happily, emerald eyes sparkling with pride.

Oh, how Sebastian would enjoy gouging those green eyes out with fine Phantomhive family silverware. He smiled, gave a curt 'Very well', and poured Elizabeth a cup as well. She smiled in response, taking a sip. He bowed and left the dining hall for the two- and he hated to think it- lovers to make idle chatter. Time to tend to the manor, Sebastian thought, trying to keep his frustration in.

While he idly cleaned the manor, dusting the tops of cabinets and sweeping oaken floors, he found himself at an internal conflict. Why did he despise Elizabeth so much? Why was he so opposed to the young master's wedding? Why did he, a demon, feel so much for the Earl Phantomhive? Why did he not want to eat Ciel's soul anymore? This couldn't be love. Demons couldn't love, right? They were just meant to serve their masters until the day they would consume their soul. No way in hottest Hell could Sebastian be in love. He would deny it, forevermore... but something inside him told him he would be making the wrong choice.

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now