= 11 : Elizabeth =

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 Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Midford moved through the Phantomhive mansion a little slower than how she usually danced through the halls. After being pushed away by her betrothed once again, she had began to doubt their whole relationship. Finally, she found Mey-Rin, intently staring at a box of detergent.

"Oh, Lady Elizabeth! What brings you to the laundry room?" Mey-Rin asked, turning away from the box.

"Mey-Rin... do you think Ciel loves me?" Lizzy said, dejected.

"What's this all about?" Mey-Rin asked, looking concerned behind her thick glasses.

"Well, whenever I talk to him, he kind of gives off an aura like he'd rather not be having a conversation with me, and if I ask for something, he always turns to Sebastian and talks to him about it instead..."

"Oh yes, the young master and Sebastian have the most strongest bond! I can say, I'm a bit jealous, yes I am." Mey-Rin babbles, her scatterbrained nature shining through.

"Really, do you think that Ciel cares for me romantically? Even just a little?" Lizzy says.

Mey-Rin's smile fell. She took off her glasses and stared eye to eye with Elizabeth. Piercing yellow eyes, like those of an eagle, met emerald green, and she opened her mouth to speak.

"Do you want me to answer you seriously, or do you want me to be soft on you?" Mey-Rin said firmly. She seemed like a whole different person from when she first starting talking to Lizzy.

Lizzy thought, and responded "Honestly. Please, answer me seriously."

"Very well. Ciel does not love you. He is annoyed by your presence, and is secretly dreading your wedding. He only sees you as a pesky cousin, or a little sister. In fact, the master only loves one person, and even he has not realized this. This person may or may not be Sebastian." Mey-Rin answered, face blank,  vibrant lemon-colored eyes piercing Elizabeth's soul.

She put her glasses back on, and immediately began to smile. Her face dusted with the usual light pink blush that always covered her pale skin.

"Have a nice day, my lady! I hope you have a nice wedding, yes I do!" The maid had returned to normal, acting as if nothing had happened.

Lizzy said nothing, and left. She finally sat down in one of the libraries, and took a moment to absorb Mey-Rin's words. She took a moment to rejoice in her memories. Ciel playing with her, Ciel being the kind and carefree boy he used to be, and most of all, Ciel smiling at her.

Before she knew it, tears had began to flow down her cheeks, and she began to sob. Why was life so cruel? Why couldn't her and Ciel be a happy couple? A curt knock interrupted her thoughts. She wiped her tears on her pink sleeve and let out a 'Yes?'

It was Sebastian. He was smiling fakely. The one person she didn't want to see, the one she now despised, and he had appeared right before her eyes.

"Please excuse me, Elizabeth." Sebastian grinned. Elizabeth looked annoyed.

How dare he call me by my first name? She thought angrily.

"You can't become my master's wife." He declared, voice as cold as ice.

"What? How dare you! Why would you even SAY that?" Lizzy shouted in response.

"Because I love him more than you."

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now