// 26 : Ciel //

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Ciel Phantomhive nervously stepped out of a carriage. His suit was immaculate white, a pure alabaster. His face was dull, ocean eyes ignited with an anxiety known only to him and his butler. Said butler took his gloved hand and led him to a small room aside the church, where he would wait for further instruction. 

The earl and butler sat in silence for a bit as Sebastian prepared some chamomile tea. 

"Nervous, Ciel?" His butler asked quietly. 

"Ah... a bit. Since she's my cousin, I feel a bit guilty humiliating her in the however, I will do it." Ciel confessed. 

"You've grown into such a noble gentleman, haven't you?" Sebastian mused, serving Ciel his tea. 

"I suppose." He replied, and sipped his tea. 

A nervous, freckled young woman dressed in church-assigned vestments knocked on the door, and Sebastian answered. 

"Please tell the earl that well... it is time for him to stand at the altar.." She said quietly, then dashed away. 

"Oh dear. Perhaps she's scared of you, young master. It is time to take our places." Sebastian said, and Ciel nodded and stood, making his way to the altar. 

He waited briefly before Elizabeth began her walk to the altar beside him. Her white flowing dress dragged along the marble floor. The attendees stared in awe at her beauty, masked by a lace veil according to tradition. She stopped in front of Ciel. 

The bishop babbled on until he asked the fateful question. Ciel's heart beat wildly in his ears. 

"Do you, Ciel Phantomhive, take Lady Elizabeth Ethel Midford to be your lawfully wedded wife?" 

Ciel took in a shuddering breath. He looked to Sebastian, his lover, the man's comforting scarlet eyes, and exhaled. 

"I cannot." Sharp gasps sounded among the attendees. 

"Ciel? What do you mean?" Elizabeth exclaimed. 

"I'm sorry. You are my dear cousin, but my heart belongs to another." He said lowly, looking again to Sebastian for comfort. 

"Impossible, you're supposed to love me!" She screeched. 

The crowd was silent with shock. Sebastian approached the altar, then got on his knee. 

"My Lord, would you like to return home?" 

"Yes, please." 

Just as Ciel was about to escape this prison of stares, Elizabeth screamed from behind him. He had only the time to gasp and feel Sebastian pull him close. Peeking his head out of Sebastian's embrace, he saw Elizabeth, eyes burning in a fuchsia rage, armed with a sharp rapier. 


His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now