// 32 : Ciel //

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The voice only laughed softly. "Perhaps."

"My lord, have you come to reward him?" Ash asked.

"Yes. I thought it might be nice to see the boy in person. Young man, I must thank you for taking care of this country. This Earth is not under my control anymore, but you have valiantly attempted to protect and uphold your nation. I am proud of you, dear child."

Ciel smiled. For some reason, the voice had a strong quality of benevolence and warmth that it was difficult to not smile at it's every word.

"Oh, Sebastian, yes? My poor child. I have always regretted cutting away your wings."

"I was a model servant of yours, wasn't I?" Sebastian said, playfulness evident in his voice.

"... It is all in the past." Ciel heard footsteps approaching him and a radiating warmth.

The voice was much closer now. Ciel could sense the ethereal being's arm near him. He could tell that it has its hand on Sebastian.

Suddenly, it gasped.

"The darkness in your heart, has it truly disappeared? Have you truly found love?" It whispered.

"I have." Sebastian replies confidently.

"Then my forgiveness... I can grant it to you."

Ciel felt his heart begin to beat faster. Forgiveness? Could that possibly mean Sebastian would be taken back by this ethereal being, away from him?

"Be not afraid, my child. I will not take Sebastian away from you. I will only end his punishment. Cleanse his soul, I suppose."

Ciel found his worries instantly disappearing as the comforting symphony of voices assured him of everything. He began to walk away from Sebastian's embrace to be polite, but Sebastian stopped him.

"Stay." He whispered, and immediately, Ciel understood. After all he had done, after eternities of devouring souls, Sebastian was afraid of forgiveness.

Ciel held his hand, smiling gently. "I will always be here for you." Sebastian squeezed his hand nervously.

Ciel couldn't tell what was happening with his eyes closed. For a while, there was only silence. Suddenly, it felt like a weight had been removed from him. Sebastian audibly gasped, and his body trembled a bit. Ciel held him as he steadied himself.

"Sebastian Michealis, I hereby absolve you of your sins."

Then, Ciel heard a quiet noise. Sebastian shook a bit. "Thank you."

Ciel realized something again. Sebastian was crying. He pulled him closer, letting his lover cry onto his disheveled wedding suit. That's right. This disaster had started as a wedding. It felt like the events of the hours before had been years ago.

But now, everything around them didn't matter anymore, it was just Ciel and Sebastian, the warmth of the embrace, and tears of pure joy.

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now