× 34 : Sebastian ×

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It was a little past midnight. 

The world was calm. The curtains swayed in the wind and the library's couch cushioned him. 

Sebastian couldn't stop shaking. Maybe it was from the cold English breeze slicing across his skin. Or maybe it was the feeling of becoming whole again.

His hunger had vanished like smoke. As soon as they returned to the manor, he had felt a different kind of hunger. He wanted food. The small, airy laugh Ciel let out when he realized was enough to make his human-ness worth it. 

The whole experience was sobering to him. He finally stopped trembling when Ciel draped a blanket across his shoulders.


Sebastian looked at him, rising quickly and taking hold of Ciel's hand.

"Ciel... I told you, you do not need to wait for me."

Ciel shook his head. "It's my wedding night. You're my lover. You could at least entertain the notion of sharing a bed with me."

Sebastian flushed. The ghosts of the other night he had spent in Ciel's bed slid over his skin. The other man only smiled innocently.

"You have to be exhausted after the events of today. It feels as if the last hours were pages in a storybook, years in the making," Ciel said drowsily, his statement trailing off, blending in with the comfortable quiet.

"I've never been fond of sleep."

"So were you pretending to sleep that night when-" 

"That was an exception!" Sebastian exclaimed, caught off guard.   

Ciel grumbled in frustration, pulling the butler up by his arm. "You're brooding because you're tired, you git. Sometimes, humans just do things for their own pleasure or necessity. Perhaps it is tedious, but it is not useless." 

Sebastian was about to complain again, but Ciel prevented him with a particularly devious kiss. 

"Stop complaining! That's an order." 

The phrase carried no real weight now, but Sebastian heeded it anyway. "Of course, my lord," he said lightly. 

The two crept into Ciel's chambers and buried themselves under the duvet. The butler and the master met eyes. As their eyelids became heavy, there was a true, unspoken fact that was carried on their gazes. Like a bridge linking their souls to each other, three words that could change night into day, a horrible demon into a gentle companion.

I love you. 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now