Finale, Pt. 2.5

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...i'm so embarrassed by this :,)

smut right ahead. you have been warned.

Sebastian half-lay on the bed, his arms and hair splayed all across the mattress, chest rising and falling heavily as hot breath escaped his lungs. Straddling his waist, Ciel kneeled on the bed, dutifully stripping off his white wedding suit. Now shirtless, he leaned toward Sebastian's face, once again uniting their lips. He kissed deep and desperately like a man starved. As if he needed him, more than anything. Ciel pulled away reluctantly to tug at his pants. Sebastian laughed breathily.

"Allow me," He said, eyeing his husband's crotch with intensity.

Ciel's lower half was exposed by quick, experienced fingers. He stood, backing away from Sebastian as the ex-butler dropped to his knees. He kissed Ciel's tip, gently sliding his lips down the length as Ciel shuddered. He pulled away and stared up at Ciel, with a devilish smirk on his lips and a glint in his crimson eyes. Gently, he wrapped his hand around his cock.

"I know you like it when I act like I'm still your butler, Ciel," He said, and Ciel coughed.


"Oh, really?" He pouted, puffing his cheeks out. "As a gift for your wedding, I was going to allow you to use my mouth as you please, young master."

Ciel swallowed dryly. Sebastian noticed his dick twitch. 

"You lewd, lewd butler," He said, sliding his hand through Sebastian's hair and gripping it roughly. "I'm not going to be gentle, you know. I know that's what you want." 

Sebastian laughed deviously, before opening his mouth and giving Ciel a coquettish half-lidded stare. With a click of his tongue, Ciel slid into his mouth eagerly. The butler hummed as he pushed deeper and deeper until his lips were around the very base of his cock.

"I hope you're ready for this, Sebastian."

Ciel pulled Sebastian by the hair, causing the butler to moan around his cock. The vibrations felt nothing short of heavenly to Ciel, who enthusiastically shoved Sebastian back onto his member. He fucked his throat passionately, sighing and gasping at the warmth, like a vice around him. Sebastian sucked and drooled and whimpered just like a proper Phantomhive dog. 

Suddenly, Ciel stopped and sighed. He lifted Sebastian's chin, regarding him with lust-soaked admiration. 

"You're so beautiful with your mouth full of me." 

Sebastian's cheek was puffed out, his face flushed and streaked with tears, and dark bangs stuck to his forehead. He looked up at him again, with a dazed expression, his long dark lashes and half-closed eyelids concealing his eyes that gleamed with the shimmer of tears and desire. 

Ciel leaned forward, forcing Sebastian's back against the bed. He dug his left hand into the sheets to support himself, his right hand still entangled in Sebastian's hair. 

"I'm gonna cum soon. You'd better swallow," He paused, smirking. "That's an order, 'kay?"

He began to thrust again wildly, grunting and moaning. 

"Fuck, Sebastian, you feel so good. Fuck! I'm-"

Taking matters into his own hands, Sebastian wrapped his arms around Ciel's waist, locking them together as he came down his throat. He moaned deeply and swallowed as his master had commanded. Slowly, he slid off, removing his mouth from Ciel. He opened wide and stuck his tongue out as if to prove he had drank it all. Ciel laughed as he panted.

"You want a reward for your hard work, right?"

"If you would be so kind, master."

Sebastian stripped and lay on the bed as Ciel followed, crawling onto the bed and sitting before him. The butler slipped his leg onto Ciel's shoulder, a practiced gesture.

"There is no need for preparations. I am quite prepared to give you a warm Phantomhive butler welcome," He said playfully.

Ciel obliged, smoothly sliding in all the way. Sebastian let his leg fall from his master's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

"Welcome in, master Ciel," He whispered, and it was an awfully cheesy line. 

Ciel was too turned on to realize this and excitedly began to move his hips. In return, the butler let out a satisfied, breathy moan. 

"Faster please, my lord," He begged, and Ciel was happy to grant the request.

"Butlers shouldn't dare to make requests from their masters," Ciel practically growled as he rammed into Sebastian hungrily.

"I- aah, I apologize, my lord... ah!" He could no longer speak without being interrupted by his cries of pleasure. 

Like a bloodhound, Ciel quickly found and abused the bundle of nerves that lie within Sebastian. The constant prodding at his G-spot made Sebastian claw into Ciel's back. All that could be heard was the slapping of skin and the whorish sounds that fell from Sebastian's lips. Ciel grabbed his hands and planted them firmly into the mattress, fucking him as deep as he could. 

In the moments when Ciel had pinned him to the bed, Sebastian finally understood the meaning of being fucked stupid. There was nothing but pure heat in the pit of his stomach as sparks of pleasure exploded in him like fireworks. He felt like his mind was somewhere else completely as his body was taken over and swept away by the waves of pure gratification. He swore he saw sparks fly in his vision.

"Sebastian," The strained moan brought him back to the world.

"You're so beautiful Sebastian, I love you, you're fucking perfect, you feel so good, fuck, fuck!" Ciel shouted almost in a daze, he pressed his forehead against Sebastian's and indulged in the taste of his lips.

His kiss was soft and needy, he tugged at Sebastian's lips with his teeth and clumsily pecked at his mouth. It was endearingly bad, and Sebastian laughed amongst his gasps and whimpers.

Ciel removed his hands from Sebastian's, instead cradling his face in his hands.

"You're beautiful. You're mine, Sebastian. My butler. My Sebastian."

The way Ciel treated him was unlike any other human ever had. Although he fucked him so ravenously, he still held him like something precious; something sacred. He had been no stranger to being the subject of objectification but never before had felt so treasured. Feeling an overwhelming sense of love, he held Ciel close and kissed his forehead. 

"I love you, Ciel, so much, far too much, aaahnn!" 

It was like a dam breaking as he clenched down hard and came harder than he knew was possible. His vision whited out for a fleeting moment, he was floored by an intense wave of pleasure that threatened to shake the entire world. He must have screamed, a high-pitched, embarrassing, and obscene noise.

Ciel came after a few sluggish thrusts, cursing and moaning out a throaty sound that was almost a growl. Sebastian once again returned to reality by feeling Ciel's heat, deep inside him. Nevertheless, he pulled out and collapsed onto Sebastian's chest, panting.

"That was quite the orgasm, wasn't it?" Sebastian teased, voice slightly rough.

"Shut it. I don't want to hear that from you," Ciel fired back with a winded laugh. 

The master crawled a bit, slipping under the covers and throwing them over his lover as well. They settled into each other's arms comfortably. The two talked quietly, play-arguing over the sex to hide their compliments of each others' skills. Ciel sighed contentedly. 

"Goodnight, my love," He said with a yawn, and almost comically fell asleep immediately after. 

Sebastian smiled to himself and kissed Ciel on the cheek.

"Sleep well... my husband."

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now