Final A/N

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Holy shit, I finished it.

After about four to five years (I can't count, I'm gay-) this story is finally done.

I started writing this story when I was thirteen, and the story description is still genuine, untouched and unedited writing from that time.

Black Butler will always hold a special place in my heart. I deeply love the manga and admire Yana Toboso so much. The story of Black Butler is still unfinished, but I will follow it until the very last doodle Toboso-sensei makes of it. There was a time in my life where the only thing I could think of was this story, and I suppose that means that Black Butler has had a sizable impact on my life. 

Whenever I would get a break, story ideas ran through my head. I would recall the Wattpad account I made back when I was still a dumb kid, and the work I left behind. The guilt of leaving this story unfinished haunted me until this very moment. It's surreal actually finishing this. 

From the readers who no longer remember my words, who were the first to find this story, to my friends who I forced to read the post-wedding smut scene (I'm so sorry you guys), and finally to you, the reader who is taking in my words now, I thank you. Immensely so. 

Thank you for finishing my story. You made a clumsy, glasses-wearing middle schooler very happy today. 

P.S. — I love it when people comment on the story. If you have anything to say about anything please put it here so I can read it I LOVE YOU GUYS

— Kei

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now