× 30 : Sebastian ×

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Sebastian stared emotionlessly at the brutalized corpse of Elizabeth. Her body had been almost torn fully in half, Madame Macabre's scythe and gloves were covered in blood. In her right hand she held the extracted soul, a glowing orb surrounded in Elizabeth's cinematic record. She stared at it sadly, before handing it to Ash.

"Thank you, Celeste Macabre." He said.

Ash stared at it for a moment before effortlessly closing his fist. The soul brightened, flickered and finally shattered. It's shards floated into the air towards the heavens. Ash only stared at them indifferently as they began to disappear.

"Pitiful." He whispered.

Silence. Then Sebastian, who had been in slight shock for a bit, spoke.

"Since this is over, may I ask a question?" Sebastian said politely.

"You may, Sebastian Michealis." The angel said, a joyless smile painted on his face.

"Why is Grelle here? Is this really a matter that concerns Collections?" He said, seemingly curious.

"Oh, Bassy, you're wondering about me~?" Grelle purred, before William gave him a hearty smack.

"This man is only here to do the extra clean-up. No one else died thankfully, but there are still shards lingering in this place. Grelle is here to collect them." William explained.

"I see."

The supernatural entities were quiet, until they realized the presence of humans. Ciel, who had emerged from Sebastian's arms, wiped his eye before noticing as well.

"We forgot about the servants." He said quietly.

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now