// Ciel : 16 //

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The words of the reaper still had Ciel Phantomhive on edge. The Collections Department plans to review a good amount of souls during your wedding. Is what she said, and that had him thinking. Was Sebastian correct in thinking Elizabeth would die? Would his butler eat his soul that day? His head swirled with possibilities. Most of all, did Sebastian really love him the way he seemed to? He thought it was absolute, one hundred percent that demons were emotionless, and that's what he wanted to believe. He wanted this game to be over.

Checking the calendar, he sighed. He had to wait three long days in order to find out. His thoughts were interrupted by a curt knock. Sebastian.

"Yes?" he said.

"My lord, it is time for you to get fitted for your wedding suit. Miss Nina Hopkins will be tailoring the suit and dress." The butler said from the other side of the door.

"Ah. Do I have to see Elizabeth?" He asked, opening the door.

"No, her fitting is next Thursday. I arranged it as such." Sebastian said.

"How thoughtful of you. Let's go, Sebastian." Ciel said, the first part being tinted with sarcasm.

"Yes, my lord."

The energetic tailor was waiting for Ciel excitedly in his dressing room.

"Ah, there you are, you beautiful boy! Even if you are overgrown now, your beauty still sparkles with youth. Yes, now time for measurements." Nina exclaimed.

The measurements went by smoothly, and Ciel sat still on a cushioned stool. The excitable Miss Hopkins clamored about her bag, sewing together the undersuit which would go under the coat. She slipped it on Ciel, and he sighed. Looking down at it, it was plain and immaculate white. The ruffled scarf that would peer through the V shape in the vest was too grand for his tastes. He did not say anything, though, because he didn't care that much about fashion. The garment was completed, and Sebastian, who had stepped in to serve refreshments, had stopped to look. He seemed disapproving, as he always was of the first draft of Miss Hopkin's clothing.

"He looks too much like the Viscount Druitt." Is what Sebastian said, and Nina looked shocked.

"Why, I- wait. Nevermind, it looks like you're right this time, Mr. Hardhead. I admit defeat." The tailor said to the surprise of the young master.

Triumphantly, Sebastian suggested "Make the gem on his scarf red, actually, make it less ruffled and more smooth and flat, and perhaps make the cuffs black, and pair it with black shoes. Make the design more slim, perhaps."

Reluctantly making her way through the suggestions, the tailor finished the revisions. Ciel looked in the mirror and actually like the style on him.

"Excellent work, Miss Nina. I shall see to your payment soon enough." He said.

"Alright. Be seeing you, Ciel~!" She exclaimed happily, and left.

Sebastian undressed him and gave him proper daytime attire. Ciel stared at him for a bit, wondering how Sebastian felt. Did he resent dressing him, seeing his bare skin and not being able to touch it? For a split second, Ciel wished he would embrace him, but he stopped that thought dead in it's tracks.

"Alright my lord, it is time to get back to work."

"Of course." 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now