+ 23 : Mey-Rin +

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Mey-Rin awoke as usual, the alarm clock on her bedside table ringing loudly beside her. She groaned and slapped it a couple times dismissively. Grabbing her glasses, she felt as if something was amiss. Usually, she could hear the loud yawns of Finney from below, or the light banter between Sebastian and Bard. But it was silent. She felt a shiver up her spine, wondering if something happened to the young master or Sebastian. Quickly donning her maid dress, lacing up her boots, and grabbing her guns, she dashed down the stairs in a frenzy. She hadn't even the time to tie up her hair in the usual pigtails, worried for her masters' safety. 

She almost kicked the door to the chef and gardener's quarters down, in her mild panic. 

"Bard, Bard wake up!" She whisper-shouted, shaking the American awake. 

He jolted up, aiming the gun under his pillow at her. She grabbed his wrist and glared. He looked a bit surprised. 

"Mey-Rin? Whatcha doin' here? Where's Sebastian at?" He asked, as she released the grip on his wrist. 

"You should take that gun with you. I don't know where he is, and it's dead quiet up in here, it is." Mey-Rin whispered, standing up and loading her dual pistols. 

"Alright, but aren't we gonna bring Finney?" He responded, getting up and putting on his chef apron. 

"No, he's sound asleep, and you know how hard it is to wake him up without alerting a possible attacker. If we engage, just shout for him and he should be able to understand the situation. Same goes for Snake and Tanaka. " She spoke quietly, slipping her weapons in their hostlers under her skirt. 

Bard nodded, and they together traveled to the Phantomhive earl's bedroom, silent as ghosts. Their weapons were concealed in their uniforms as they opened the door, neither one daring to breathe. A few careful steps later and they stood in the entrance of the bedroom. 

Under her glasses, Mey-Rin's golden eyes widened. Bard stifled a gasp. There, in the young master's grandiose bed, lay the peaceful-looking nobleman and his butler. 

The maid felt hot blood run down from her nose, and she stuck a handkerchief under it to stop it from dripping. She was shocked, never had she expected the earl and Sebastian were so... intimate. Though she felt a bit saddened her long-standing crush was in a relationship with her employer, she was more happy for them. Plus a small, logical part of her mind told her she hadn't a chance with Sebastian in the first place. 

She stepped silently forward, observing the state of the servant and master. The usually stoic, firm Sebastian had both arms wrapped around Ciel, his usually tidy obsidian locks tangled and sprawled all around the pillow his head rested on. Ciel was hugging him back, his slate hair in a better state than his sleeping companion. The master seemed to be wearing his usual sleep shirt, but the arm slung around him was bare. Sebastian's porcelain chest slightly peeked out from under the blanket, and it was safe to assume he was shirtless. 

With the stealth of a tiger hunting its prey, the servants snuck back to Bard and Finney's room. As soon as they reached the room and closed the door behind them, Bard exploded. 

"Now what the devil was that, exactly?" He shouted, before Mey-Rin quieted him down. 

"Do you think the young master and Sebastian are... ," She cleared her throat, "... well, intimate?" 

"Prob'ly, they're embracing like a lonely man and a lady of the night." He said, grabbing a cigarette and lighting a match. 

"Best to keep this secret from Finney. I don't know how he'll act if he hears, I don't!" The maid/sniper said, nervously repeating her words. 

"Yeh, guess that's right... hey, but it was fun seeing Sebastian all vulnerable like so. Guess we found 'is weakness." Bard mused, before taking a long drag on his cigarette. 

"We mustn't speak of this anymore. That's the young master and Sebastian's private business, it is." 

"Yer right. If we slip up, we're sure to get lectured or summat by the preppy bastard." 

Mey-Rin sighed, staring out the small window fashioned high on the wall. The dull gray English sky stared down at her as she wondered what was to become of the earl and his butler. 

One day more. 

gyahaha Les Misérables reference 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now