Finale, Pt 2

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The time for vows finally came as the officiant cleared his throat politely, returning Ciel to the real world. Sebastian inhaled deeply, squeezing Ciel's hand in tenderness.

"Oh, Ciel. My beloved  I can't even begin to express how much I love you, and I think you know that. Words fail me every single time I try. Forever I lived in a world of hate, bitterness, and evil. Finding out I was in love with you was quite a shock. I never knew I could harbor such warm feelings. You, Ciel, are my salvation. You saved me from Hell, from knowing nothing but suffering. It broke my very being just to love you, and I'd do it a million times over, for another damned century. I promised it before, and I will make my vow again. I will never lie to you, or betray you, and I will protect you always. I will love you for as long as my soul is whole. Ciel Phantomhive, it seems I love you more than I can even imagine."

Ciel couldn't help but let his tears fall.

"Sebastian, my dear, devilish tease. When I met you I was sure I'd hate you forever, but I couldn't help but find you immensely enjoyable to be around. I'm not perfect like you, Sebastian. I lie all the time... My greatest lie of all was when I pretended to distrust you. Of course, you are the person I believe in the most in the world. But it was so, so hard to show affection. To even think of loving something. I hardly loved myself. You taught me how. How to love again, how to smile. Most of all, how to accept love. I, Ciel Phantomhive, vow to love you always, through Hell and back. For the century passed and the ones to come. I will never stop loving you, Sebastian Michaelis. My soul belongs to you only." 

As if to prove his point, Ciel untied the string of his eyepatch, letting it fall to the ground. His marked eye stared longingly into Sebastian's veiled eyes. 

"You may now kiss the groom."

In an instant, Ciel tore away the veil, boorishly grabbing Sebastian's tie and yanking him in. There was only one person on his mind, as there would always be. As soon as their lips touched, the moment was perfected. Ciel ran his hand through Sebastian's hair, wrapping his arm around his waist and pulling him impossibly close. The chapel exploded with cheers and applause. When they finally pulled apart, Ciel was flustered.

"I forgot we were in public for a moment."

Sebastian laughed, the sound a beautiful melody that sounded like a symphony to Ciel. Finally, he got a glimpse at those crimson eyes, glowing in the golden sun. Sebastian had his share of admiring as well, entranced in the shimmer of the Faustian contract that lie within his husband's eye. He got down on his knee and kissed Ciel's hand, before standing again swiftly. 

"I love you, my lord," He whispered, and Ciel laughed.

"I love you too, you blasted butler."

Overlooking the crowd, his friends were hugging and crying. He spotted Diedrich, literally bawling as he clung to Vincent, who laughed gloriously. The former Phantomhive servants along with Lau and Ran Mao were locked in a bear hug, tears, raucous laughter, and a couple of happy snakes filling the space around them. Will turned red and almost fainted as Grelle gave him a peck on the cheek, as she laughed almost obscenely at his surprisingly enamored nature. Soma and Agni were sharing a joyful moment, hand in hand, and seemingly reminiscing. 

"I've got to say. This surely beats my first wedding," Ciel said, grinning mischievously at Sebastian. 

Sebastian scoffed at him. "I'd sure hope so!"


The wedding attendees all flooded into Phantomhive manor to attend the reception. Food had already been marvelously prepared by Agni, Tanaka, and some associates of Lau, and the hall was filled with the mingling scents of Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and British foods. 

As the party began to settle, the ex-servants of the manor came to the side of the new Phantomhive couple. 

"So. Erm. I didn't notice 'coz I was real happy, but what's with the eye, young master?" Bard said, and Mey-Rin shushed him.

"No, it's quite alright. We never told you after all," Ciel said plainly. "Care to explain, Sebastian?"

"Ah, yes, of course. You see, I used to be a hell of a butler. Quite literally. I was a demon, previously. I had made a contract with the young master, that which manifested in my hand here and on Ciel's eye," He said bluntly.

"Oh... that makes sense- wait, what? A demon, like— like a real not-at-all human demon?Finny asked.

"That  is a suitable explanation for how you withstood my poison! ...says Webster... I agree. You're much too strong for a human..." Snake said timidly.

"I had suspected as such, although I'd expect no less from a Phantomhive servant. Hoh hoh ho," Tanaka mused.

"Yeah, well I guess it's kinda embarrassing we didn't realize it sooner. Sebastian's way too perfect to be normal. Damn, and here I had my hopes up, thinking I could be as competent as you one day," Bard sighed.

"Well Bard, I guess you and Tanaka are the only normal humans among the young master's staff, after all, yes you are," Mey-Rin teased.

After wrapping up the conversation with the servants, Sebastian was pulled aside by Agni. 

"Mr. Sebastian. You and I are technically no longer khansama, but may I ask for some... professional advice?" He said, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Of course, Agni. It's the least I can do after you worked so hard on my wedding."

"As a khansama, how do you... How is it possible to advance one's relationship with their master further? As in, how do you think I may win the hand of Prince Soma as you have for Ciel?" Agni asked, eyes locked on the floor and feet shuffling awkwardly.

Sebastian laughed, placing a hand on Agni's shoulder. "Forget marriage for now. Tell the prince what you feel for him, and start from there. In my opinion, he likes you too." 

"You really think so?" His head shot up, eyes sparkling with excitement. Sebastian merely nodded and Agni cracked into a smile so large he would worried the man's face would split.

"Thank you! Thank you Sebastian! I will try my best to do as you said!" 

With that, Agni dashed off, and Sebastian watched him speed away with a small smile. Honestly, he thought, Was I ever that foolish when I was smitten with Ciel?

Sebastian rejoined his husband and spent the reception reminiscing together with their friends, and as it grew later and later into the night, the crowd finally waned. The last to leave was Vincent, who gave them a menacing smirk.

"Have fun boys. Use protection!" He sang as he dashed away from the house to avoid his son's wrath.

Ciel's ears turned red as he cursed out his own father. Vincent only giggled as he escaped the manor. 

"Well, then," Sebastian said quietly.

"Expecting something, are you, Sebastian?" Ciel smirked.

It was Sebastian's turn to blush.

"I- Well, I mean. If you're offering." 

"What am I offering?" 

Sebastian looked away from him, face turning red rapidly. Ciel laughed softly.

"Oh, sorry, love. You're just so fun to tease," Ciel said, planting a kiss on his forehead. "Now, will you join me in my chambers?"

"Of course..."

He paused for a second and smiled.

" lord." 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now