× 9 : Sebastian ×

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Sebastian's heart beat wildly. He kept recalling his earlier dream, and felt he couldn't stay quiet anymore. He needed to tell him. Ciel led him to the middle of the corridor and Sebastian began to speak. He felt as if he would explode at that very moment. His lips felt as if they were ablaze.

"M-master... I.. I think I lov-" He was cut off by the voice of Elizabeth Midford.

"Oh Ciel! I apologize for my behavior! Please don't hate me!" Lizzy yelled, dashing down the hall, bright pink dress billowing as she ran.

She met eye contact with Sebastian. They both looked away, and Sebastian clicked his tongue while Elizabeth crossed her arms and let out a 'hmph!'. Ciel sighed.

"I forgive you, Lizzy. But please, do not interrupt my conversation with my butler." He said. Sebastian looked down.

A look of disappointment flooded his blood red eyes. Of course he was Ciel's butler, but he wished he was more. He wished that Ciel would be less closed off and more affectionate. He was becoming soft because of the blue haired boy. Ciel finished his short chat with Elizabeth and turned back to face Sebastian.

"So, what were you saying?" Ciel said, his face radiating neutrality.

"Ah... Nevermind, master. It's irrelevant."

Ciel's face, at that moment, gave off an air of concern. His right eyebrow was cocked, and his left was probably furrowed underneath his bangs.

"Are you sure, Sebastian? I would like a reason to why you suddenly snapped at Elizabeth like that. Even if I don't care for her as a wife, I do care for her as my cousin." Ciel affirmed.

"I deeply apologize for that, my Lord... it's just that my patience is running low." Among the many things demons are good at, lying is among them.

"If you say so. Anyway, make me something sweet in exchange for my leniency." Ciel said jokingly, even smiling a bit.

Sebastian's eyes widened, and in a moment of pure instinct, he hugged Ciel from behind.

"... Sebastian? What are you doing?" Ciel asked.

"Ah! Oh... I am so sorry my Lord. I-it was just..." Sebastian mumbled whilst backing up.

"No matter. It's alright Sebastian. Now you really owe me a parfait" Ciel laughed quietly, and turned, returning to the dining room to finish his half-eaten lunch.

As soon as the door shut, the butler turned around. His face turned as red as his eyes. "I am an absolute idiot." 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now