// 6: Ciel //

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Ciel, heir to the Phantomhive family, stared blankly at the document in front of him. His irritation was growing, as Elizabeth Midford, his fiancee, kept bothering him while he attempting to sign documents. Elizabeth, or Lizzy as she continued reminding him, had a loud, high-pitched voice that echoed through the large study, and Ciel was becoming more and more angry. He was considering ordering Sebastian to make her leave, but he was marrying this woman and had to learn to ignore her. His ever-growing annoyance only continued on as Elizabeth sat on his desk and began to lecture him on why he shouldn't ignore a lady. Finally, the boy snapped.

"Lizzy. I am working. Do you not understand the importance of these documents? One approved or denied proposition could lead to a company's demise or it's height. Go find Mey-Rin to go dress up or something, I'm busy." He said irritably.

Lizzy visibly teared up before running to tell Sebastian. Ciel groaned. What an annoying girl, he thought, directing his attention back to his paperwork. A curt knock interrupted him.


"Master, Lady Elizabeth requested I speak to you."

A deep sigh. "Come in."

The door creaked open as Sebastian stepped inside.

"Now, my lord, I understand your work is important, but you must treat the lady well. She is your future wife after all." Sebastian said, his eyes slightly narrowing at the word 'wife' as if it was painful to say.

Again, Ciel noted this.

"I don't care. She needs to understand a working man needs silence to work properly." Ciel said, cold as ever.

"Yes, my lord. I shall inform the lady of this."

A small window of silence.

"... My lord?" Sebastian said quietly.

"Yes, Sebastian?"

"May I ask you a question?" The butler seemed timid almost.

"Sure, go ahead, Sebastian."

"Well... Do you think of Lady Elizabeth as your lover or do you think of her as a sister or a friend?"

Ciel was a bit suprised by this. This must mean... No it couldn't. His butler, entranced by him? Impossible. However, he gave the man an answer.

"I have always thought of Elizabeth as a sister. She... has never been my lover, at least in my eyes."

"Ah.. I see. I'll take my leave now... Lunch will be ready in a bit, my lord." The ravenette said.

Ciel smirked. The butler's fast tone and eyes that slightly sparkled were more than enough to tell him that he was happy about his answer. But it was still difficult for him to picture. His butler, a homosexual?

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now