× 12 : Sebastian ×

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A burning glare was directed at Elizabeth. On the outside, Sebastian Michaelis seemed calm and collected, but on the inside, his very being was screaming in fury. This rude, loud, annoying, stupid, "lady" was to be married to the one person the demon cared for more than anyone in the world.

"What did you say!?" This intolerable fool screeched, her shamrock eyes filling with hot tears.

"You have no idea how much I care about him. No idea of how I've seen him suffer. I love him more than you." The butler said coolly.

"Shut up! Leave this place! I- uh- order you!" She screamed.

"You are not my master. You cannot order me around." He smiled.

His fangs were beginning to show, and he knew he had to leave soon, or the annoying Midford girl would soon lay in shreds, and her blood would stain the carpet, which Sebastian had no desire to clean. In the distance, the butler picked up a ringing noise, the bell which summoned him to the study was ringing.

"Ah, and now I must depart. My master is calling me." Sebastian said, and turned on his heel to leave.

When he arrived in the Earl Phantomhive's study, he stood straightly, keeping a poker face that hopefully concealed the fact that he had just confessed his love for the man sitting across the room from him, the one that had suddenly called him just at the moment he wanted him most. 

"What did you need me for, young master?" The butler asked.

"Why, it's time for afternoon tea, Sebastian." The earl smirked.

Ciel said this, but it was clear he wasn't concerned about the tea.

"What do you really want to talk about, my lord?"

"Well, Sebastian, it's clear to me that Elizabeth dislikes you now. I suppose it is because of your relationship with me, am I correct?"

"I-" Sebastian's response was cut short by the glass in the window crashing and a rock, aimed right at the Earl's head, flying through the shattered window.

"Young master!" he shouted, and tackled Ciel to the ground, closing his eyes.

When the butler opened his crimson eyes, the first thing he saw was Ciel's shocked face, blue eye widened in surprise, and lips parted slightly. Sebastian realized the position they were in, and felt his face grow hot. To his elation, Ciel blushed.

"What are you doing?" He asked, and Sebastian got up, apologized and ran away.

I am really, really, such an idiot! 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now