|| 17 : Macabre ||

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Madame Amelie Macabre stepped into the Reaper Headquarters, her high-heels clicking against the immaculate white tile. The woman at the front desk, with fair porcelain skin, deep grey eyes and wavy brown hair, smiled brightly.

"Amelie!" Her partner, Celeste exclaimed happily.

"Mon amour, Celes!" She responded, dashing to the reception desk.

"How did the meeting with the Phantomhive boy go?" She asked, her soft, gentle voice resonating through the white hall.

"Ah, mon amour, he is as cute as his picture in his records. Anyway, it seems he's in a similar position to us, all those years ago." Amelie said.

"Don't fret, mon soleil. You'll be able to help him soon enough." Celes replied, using her pet name for Amelie.

"Do you remember our last words as humans?" Amelie asked.

"Of course, Amelie. Why wouldn't I?" She smiled, delicately holding Amelie's hands.

"I told you that you were my heaven." Amelie said, returning her lover's smile.

"And you, my sun. Je t'aime, but what does this have to do with the Phantomhive boy?" The petite Celes asked cutely.

"Well, after what happened I swore to protect the heart of maidens forever. But now, I am more on the side of the Phantomhive boy." She sighed.

"His name is Ciel, correct?" Celes asked.


"Well, it's simple then! The soleil helps the ciel." She laughed. Amelie smiled in response, kissing Celes's hand.

"How troublesome. I have to help a boy that's fallen for a demon male." Amelie sighed.

"Aw, you're such a mean girl!" Celes exclaimed jokingly.

"Maybe." She smiled.

(Short but real fluffy hehe!) 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now