= 24 : Elizabeth =

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 Elizabeth woke excitedly, today was the day before her marriage to Ciel. Though she left off on a bad note with her beloved, she thought hopefully that she could reconcile with him today at the rehearsal. Madame Macabre stepped into the room, spectacles hanging low off the bridge of her nose, green eyes fixated on the girl. 

"My lady, it is time for you to get dressed. Allow me to assist you." She said politely. 

"Alright! Today I want to wear a blue dress, Ciel fancies the color blue!" Lizzy exclaimed. 

She hopped out of bed and brushed her blonde curls before removing her nightdress. Macabre helped her with her corset and dress, a garment that reminded her of the one she wore long ago on the Campania. She slipped on some white silk gloves as Ms. Macabre began to heat up a metal rod to re-curl Elizabeth's hair. Shortly after fixing her hair, she applied a small amount of blush on her cheeks and nose as well as a minute amount of red to her lips. They left the inn after the lady slipped on some iridescent white heels. 

Madame Macabre kindly escorted her to the chapel in which the ceremony was to be held. Lizzy waited as the woman opened the heavy dark oak doors to the chapel. The venue was beautiful, vaulted ceiling and carvings of biblical figures staring down on Elizabeth. A large wooden statue of Christ loomed above the altar, as all churches had. The lady knelt at the altar and genuflected, as common church courtesy was. 

Her fuchsia eyes darted across the room until she saw Ciel, chatting lively with his butler. The black-clothed servant seemed a bit off, as he was obviously shifting his weight, like he was trying to keep some sort of pain at bay. Elizabeth noted it, but ignored it. She walked quickly as her heels would allow towards the earl.

"Ciel, you are looking quite handsome as always!" She squealed, moving to hug him. 

"Ah, hello Elizabeth." He said flatly, moving away from the embrace. 

Lizzy was a bit disheartened by his reaction, but continued on anyway. 

"Aren't you excited, we're getting married tomorrow!" 

"Of course, yes. Anyway, as I was saying-" Ciel gave a half-hearted reply, continuing to converse with Sebastian. 

She was beginning to become jealous now, it was obvious Ciel was ignoring her to talk to the servant. Just as she was about to voice her annoyance, the bishop called attention, and they began the mock ceremony. 

Among the guests, she noticed her mother, father, and Edward along with Paula. She also saw some noblemen Ciel had introduced her to at various parties, and the five Phantomhive servants. The priest droned on for a bit, blah blah blah, I do. But... the look on Ciel's face when he said 'I do' hurt Elizabeth. He looked like it pained him to say the words. 

That made her angry. 

So very angry. 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now