× 7 : Sebastian ×

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The butler was breathing heavily, back pressed against the door of the study. His crimson eyes were wide and the pounding of his dark heart sounded loudly in his ears. He's not in love with her, he's not in love with her! Repeated throughout his mind. He calmed himself down and put his face in his hands. Why was he feeling this way? Why had the words that came out of his mouth seem to burn as they escaped his lips? With a bit of his composure regained, the butler straightened up and headed to the records room to fulfill another part of his daily duties. In the middle of writing, he stopped. He thought. He recalled everything that happened through the years of his service, and remembered a certain moment. In the circus, so long ago, in a confrontation with the reaper, reluctant workaholic William. He had explained why it had been so long since he had eaten a soul. That he enjoyed his meal longer when he had to wait. Is that really the case? He thought.

Everything he had done was for his master. Every action performed was for his wellbeing. Could he really feel more than just hunger towards Ciel? Sebastian finished the records for the day and headed to one of the libraries where he sat. He was exhausted emotionally, and he wasn't used to this kind of feelings, that he would deny calling love.

Tangled in his thoughts, the butler collapsed again, falling into another dream.

Everything was the same as the dream before, the chapel, the scattered white rose petals... and the happy couple,  Elizabeth and Ciel. Sebastian closed his eyes, prepared to be brokenhearted again,  but...

"No. This- this isn't what I want." Ciel's voice.  Sebastian's eyes snapped open. 

Ciel's face was covered in an emotion only read as disgust to Sebastian. He looked revolted. 

"I respect you Elizabeth. But I cannot marry you." Ciel said plainly,  fleeing the chapel. He grabbed Sebastian's arm.

"We're leaving, and you're the fastest way out of here." Ciel said.

"Understood." Sebastian said, and carried Ciel bridal style.

Running out of the chapel like this,  they looked like a couple. Sebastian tried to hide his beating heart, but he couldn't. Finally, they arrived at the Phantomhive Estate. 

"If I may, young master, but... why exactly did you reject Lady Elizabeth like that?" Sebastian said nervously.

Under his gloves, he could feel himself sweating. Why was he feeling this way? A demon wasn't supposed to feel this way, in fact, a demon wasn't supposed to feel anything, really. 

"Well, because I noticed I wasn't in love with her." Ciel took a step towards him, his heart pounding loudly in his ears,  "I was in love with someone else," another step closer to him, "Sebastian. Do you know what I mean?" He stopped, and smirked. 

Too close, he's too close! Sebastian thought, a deep red blush covering his face. He shot up, rigid. 

Damn that dream. 

He wished it was reality. 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now