× 18 : Sebastian ×

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Sebastian dashed through the halls, following his flustered coworkers as they ran to what Finney had described as 'some sort of secret hideout.' Ciel had stopped them, asking what the matter was and then followed the five servants, as he was curious as to what it could be. Tanaka stayed behind, preferring to wait this one out. Suddenly, they reached a part of the manor that had a busted-in brick wall ( assuming it was due to Finney. ) Bard struck up a match and lit a lantern for visibility. There stood an old room, with small cobwebs in the corner and layers of dust covering everything left out.

"'What a strange place!' says Emily." Snake said.

"Strange indeed. Perhaps it was constructed by the previous Earl." Ciel said, stepping inside the dim chamber.

Sebastian examined the room, suddenly stopping in front of a large bookcase that extended toward the ceiling. Despite its size, the bookcase was barren except for a couple books in the middlemost chamber. He took out the first book, what seemed like the oldest, and opened the cover. His eyes widened. The inside cover, which was handwritten, read.

Our Letters, 1870-1875

My dear Dee, I shall keep this letters under lock and key until the day in which my son finds it. These letter hold more secrets than anything else I have ever held.

"'Whoa, check out this!' Exclaims Oscar." Snake said, pointing to a carving on a wood panel in the wall.

Ciel was the first to check, then Sebastian, then Mey-Rin and Finney, and lastly, Bard.

The butler's crimson eyes widened as the carving on the wall, though crude, had a message that set off a million alarms in Sebastian's head.

Vin x Dee


"Vin..? Dee... ? Young master, do you know who these people are?" Bard asked, crossing his arms.

"Vincent Phantomhive... and Diedrich." Ciel said shakily.

"Young master, there is something you should see." Sebastian finally said, showing him the old, worn-out book.

The eighteen-year-old read the foreword in seemingly mortified silence. He began to read the first letter out loud for the servants to hear.

"Dear German. How are you doing, Dee? I hope you find yourself in a comfortable position as a Baron. Perhaps you'd pay me a visit sometimes. Although my betrothed is a wonderful person, I would rather have you by my side, dear Dee. Our school days, which I had enjoyed thoroughly thanks to your companionship, have ended. Despite this crushing fact, all I wish is to wake up again in the Sapphire Owl house, and to see you exiting the Green Lion house. A childish dream, perhaps, but you do know the extent of my immaturity.

I love you.

I miss you.

Love, Mole." Ciel read aloud.

The Phantomhive's single sapphire eye was wide. He gawked at the words in front of him. Suddenly, he bolted out of the room.

"Young master!" The servants exclaimed as they went after him.

They found him kneeling at his father's grave, trembling as if he was going to cry.

"You died holding a woman you didn't love. You died, perhaps wanting to hold your beloved, but..." His voice faded into the wind.

"Sebastian.," He turned, staring at his butler, "Call for Diedrich. I want to discuss something with him."

"Of course, my lord." 

His Butler, A Homosexual // SebaCielWhere stories live. Discover now