= 14 : Elizabeth =

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Elizabeth Midford stared blankly at the Phantomhive manor. Why did I react like that? She wondered. All she wanted was to be loved by Ciel after everything that had happened. She walked and walked until nightfall, when she realized how dark it was and what part of London she was in. The East End. Her eyes widened as she began to run away, before a snide voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Where are you going, young lady? It's dangerous to be out this late, in this place." The sly voice said.

A woman stepped out of the light from the dim oil lamps that lit the street, and smiled. She was tall, possibly as tall as Sebastian, and slim. Her lips were bright red, and her skin was as pale and smooth as porcelain. Her hair was jet black and straight, cut with bangs, curled inward toward her forward. Her hair reached her fingertips which were covered by black gloves, reaching her elbows. Her dress made her look like a noblewoman, as it was a grand garment with lace and ribbons, mainly being mahogany and black. Her eyes were chartreuse, a shade of green that almost glowed in the dark setting.

"Who are you?" Lizzy said, a bit relieved she had run into a woman and not a male drunkard.

"I am Madame Macabre... That look in your eye, you're having love troubles aren't you? Why not talk to me?" Her lime-colored eyes squinted.

Elizabeth didn't know what it was, but some force, maybe sinister, maybe benevolent, was calling her towards the tall woman, whom she believed to be French. Macabre took her to a quiet plaza area, also dimly lit with oil street lamps. A fountain in the center was unmoving, and despite the spring season, the water and stone foundation was cold. They sat upon it and Elizabeth began to speak, or be forced by an unseen energy, spelling out the drama of the Phantomhive Earl and her, the proud Midford girl.

"Ah, so that's it, yes? Why don't I assist you with that? I hate seeing a young woman in despair." Madame Macabre said.

"Alright! Do anything you can to help mend our relationship, I don't want to cancel our wedding... I love him... I really do..." Elizabeth mumbled, tears beginning to well up in her shamrock eyes.

"I shall. Now, may I escort you to a hotel? It's a bit late, but a young lady must retire at a good time in order to mature well."

"Yes, thank you."


OOOOOOH, LIZZY!!! What will Ciel say when he finds out you are hanging out with grim company. Also thanks for the votes, I work hard on this story, and it really shows you reap what you sow. 

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